Page 22: of Offshore Engineer Magazine (Jul/Aug 2023)
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TECH FEATURE GREEN HYDROGEN shore testing hub operated by the OPEN-C Foundation, construction work, transport and installation at sea, and a hub that is already linked with a foating wind turbine, commissioning and start-up of the platform (EPCIC). Ac-
FLOATGEN, engineered and operated by BW Ideol. tivities are due to start immediately and are expected to be
Lhyfe's Sealhyfe platform, which is less than 200 sq. m., is completed by the end of 2025.
designed to produce up to 400 kilograms of hydrogen a day. As for the Hollandse Kust offshore wind farm, it on
In another project, Dutch offshore wind farm developer June 19, 2023, produced its frst megawatt-hours (MWh)
CrossWind awarded Italy’s Rosetti Marino a new engineer- of electricity, and delivered it via TenneT’s offshore grid to ing, procurement, construction, installation, and commis- the Dutch mainland. In the coming months, production sioning (EPCIC) contract for an offshore green hydrogen capacity will be constantly increased, so the wind farm will production and storage pilot plant dubbed the Baseload eventually generate 3.3 TWh a year. When complete, the
Power Hub, which will be located within CrossWind’s Hollandse Kust Noord wind farm will have a total installed
Hollandse Kust Noord offshore wind farm, 18.5 kilome- capacity of 759 MW.
ters off the Dutch coast. CrossWind is a joint venture be- tween Shell (80%) and Eneco (20%).
Tere is [$22m worth of] HOPE
According to Rosetti Marino, the project will convert Lhyfe also announced that the HOPE project, which it excess wind energy to green hydrogen through an electro- is coordinating as part of a consortium of nine partners, lyzer and store it as green hydrogen that can be converted has been selected by the European Commission under the to electricity when needed via a fuel cell, including also European Clean Hydrogen Partnership and won a 20 mil- battery storage for shorter-term power storage. The aim of lion euro grant (around $22 million at the time of writing).
the project is to stabilize power fow when the wind isn’t "Through these two pioneering projects in offshore hy- blowing as briskly and/or during power demand surges. drogen production, Lhyfe aims to validate industrial solu-
The scope of work of the contract awarded to Rosetti tions which it will submit in response to future calls for
Marino SpA includes detailed engineering of the Basel- projects from various governments, to help achieve the oad Power Hub, procurement of material and equipment, target set by the European Commission as part of the RE-
Lhyfe / HOPE Project-