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The battle lines have been drawn, and those on the “yes to seabed mining” side are getting ready to go.

By Wendy Laursen n January, Norway said “yes” to seabed mining, add- ing its weight to the momentum that is likely to override the calls for a moratorium by over 20 coun- tries and companies such as Google, BMW, Volvo and Samsung.


Those against mining aim to protect the unique and largely unknown ecology of the seafoor from physical de- struction, sediment smothering and noise pollution.

However, the International Seabed Authority (ISA) has granted 31 exploration contracts in international waters and is expected to confrm mining guidelines this July, or perhaps next. Nearly two thirds of the licenses are for nod- ule mining, the most advanced sector.

Belgium-based GSR, part of the DEME Group, has

Transocean as a cornerstone investor, and it conducted trials of a patented nodule collector, Patania II, at 4,500 meters in the Clarion Clipperton Zone in 2021. Full-scale trials will be conducted in 2027.

Patania II uses jet water pumps to lift nodules into a collection drum. Peer-reviewed research has indicated that released sediment-laden water led to a low-lying, laterally spreading turbidity current. Only 2-8% of the sediment mass was detected 2m or higher above the seabed and hadn’t settled after several hours.

“All indications to date point to polymetallic nodules having the potential to become one of the most respon- sible ways to help meet the world’s spiraling demand for metals,” says GSR managing director Kris Van Nijen. “Our focus is on developing a source of high grade, low carbon minerals which can work alongside other strate- gies to reach the eventual goal of a circular economy and a stable planet.”

Canada-based The Metals Company has partnered with

Allseas which has a converted drillship, Hidden Gem, set up for nodule collection.


Offshore Engineer