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Images courtesy Siemens Energy

Siemens Energy’s installations include the jack-up Maersk Intrepid.

Te safety features of the Siemens Energy BlueVault system include using liquid cooled modules built into a standard Siemens Energy switchboard system.

In addition to the environmental and fnancial benefts, tem include using liquid cooled modules built into a stan- hybridization reduces soot and NOx emissions, a health dard Siemens Energy switchboard system. Each module is beneft for offshore crews. Blackout prevention and bet- connected touch-free at the rear of the system to the bat- ter station-keeping are also benefcial to operational safety, tery interface module through short-circuit-proof rails. For reducing downtime and improving crew well-being. additional protection of the crew and the establishment of

Still, the industry has been reticent over concerns that the robustness against internal faults, the plant is enclosed and

ESS itself could be a hazard by acting as an ignition source equipped with doors, so the design is like a distribution in an already high-risk environment. Kanestrom notes that switchboard where several racks are connected through the the company’s Orca system was the frst ESS to be approved same internal busbar. Arcing cannot occur on either the bat- for use on offshore oil and gas platforms and that its in- tery or the busbar side of the battery interface module, so the built safety systems include the possibility to shut down the design will prevent an internal electrical failure from igniting system completely (with no risk for sparks) in case of an the battery modules, regardless of the cause of the failure.

emergency situation with hydrocarbons on deck. Siemens Energy business development manager for

The safety features of the Siemens Energy BlueVault sys- offshore solutions, George Bitar, says demand is growing 48 OFFSHORE ENGINEER OEDIGITAL.COM

Offshore Engineer