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VOL. 49 / NO. 3 38 30 38

Autonomous Survey Technology: Offshore Wind: Inside the Financial Web

While offshore wind projects might be thought of as being in

Cutting the Umbilical the ‘utility fnance’ basket, they are ultimately high-risk deals

There is a furry of development underway to cut seafoor seismic that might better suit the portfolios of ‘infrastructure invest- and geotechnical survey technologies free from on-site control. ment’ which, in recent years, has taken a shift towards tolerat-

By Wendy Laursen ing more uncertainty when it comes to cash fows.

By Barry Parker 34

The Strategic Shift to Subsea Tiebacks 48

A potentially cost-effective, effcient means to develop remote

Electrolyzer Tech Ramps Up to Meet oil & gas felds.

By Amir Garanovic

Green Hydrogen Demands

Electrolyzer technology is going to have to get cheaper and more scalable if it is going to enable a global green hydrogen economy.

By Wendy Laursen

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Offshore Engineer