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WIND POWER LAB © hafenkieker Adobe Stock

SALUNDA SURVITEC high-risk areas for lightning strikes. ments. It works by triggering an alarm when an individual

This subsequently avoids signifcant cost escalation, enters an exclusion or Red Zone, sending notifcations to such as unnecessary labor and materials, and potential both the individual’s personal locator and the area author- catastrophic blade failure through non-detection. ity, allowing both parties to take corrective action.

The software features a proprietary algorithm which com- bines multiple data points from weather reporting systems.

Survitec Gauntlet

It also incorporates International Electrotechnical Commis- Survitec launched a new energy containment safety de- sion (IEC) standards for electrotechnology compliance and vice designed to reduce the risks associated with catastrophic

Wind Power LAB’s rotor blade subject matter expertise. value actuator failures. Severe injury or death can be caused

Through early detection of potential lightning impacts, by the explosive forces released if a high-pressure spring- wind farm owners and operators can ensure the effcient loaded actuator device fails, along with signifcant damage use of feld resources to prioritize repairs. to equipment and facilities. However, there is often a lack of

As a result, the cost savings reduce lost production days regular inspection and maintenance, and the risks have at- by an average of 43% and allow for targeted external blade tracted little attention in terms of technology or regulation. inspections, Wind Power LAB claims. Compatible with all valve actuator types, the Survitec

Gauntlet is a protective sleeve constructed from light- weight “bullet-proof” para-aramid armoring, ten times as

Salunda’s Crew Hawk

Salunda, a provider of digitized solutions for safety criti- strong as steel, and designed to contain the unpredictable cal industries, will install its Crew Hawk Red Zone moni- forces of failure.

toring solution to protect the personnel working on the Technically qualifed by Lloyd’s Register, the Survitec offshore jack-up rig in the Middle East. Gauntlet provides immediate containment protection, en-

Salunda’s Crew Hawk actively tracks crew movements hancing safety measures and minimizing potential hazards. and state of safety-critical equipment in real-time, providing It is of minimal weight, placing no additional stress on the feedback that spotlights safe operations and minimized risk. actuator, and protects the workings of the actuator from

The U.K.-based company pioneers the developed cut- further corrosion and component degradation.

ting-edge technology with a specialized focus on moni- The concept of the safety device was developed due to is- toring solutions for upstream, drilling vessels. Using the sues identifed in the North Sea oil and gas sector, oil rigs, patented technology, Salunda enables precise location platforms, and foating installations, such as FPSOs and FS- monitoring, reducing the risk of accidents and optimiz- RUs. The Survitec Gauntlet can be applied to any facility that ing workfow effciency, particularly in Red Zone environ- operates actuator valves and where risks need to be mitigated.


Offshore Engineer