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There have always been 24 hours in a day, 7 days in a week and 365 days in a year, but somehow the days, weeks and months seemingly fy by ever faster, and here again we fnd ourselves on the doorstep of turning the clocks on another year.
Before sitting down to write this, I took the short exercise of exploring my year-end editorials since 2019, the frst full year that Offshore Engineer V ol. 49 No. 6 was under the guise of New Wave Media, and much to my surprise the
ISSN 0305-876x USPS# 017-058 majority of the time I was correct in overview and projections. [I must have been hitting the Christmas celebration a bit early in 2021, though, as I went in 118 East 25th Street, depth regarding my shopping experience for a shed … but I digress!].
New York, NY 10010
Now is the time to look forward, and while much has changed, much tel: (212) 477-6700; fax: (212) 254-6271 remains the same. www.OEDigital.com
The biggest change, arguably, that will impact the offshore energy industry will be in January 2025 when President Donald J. Trump once again takes the helm,
GREGORY R. TRAUTHWEIN and it is zero surprise to this audience that fossil fuel exploration and production
Editor & Publisher will be sharply in focus and on top of the President’s agenda; while offshore re-
AMIR GARANOVIC newable energy – heavily dependent upon government assistance – will be muted.
Managing Editor [email protected]
A decade ago the ‘drill, baby drill’ mantra would have been met with unani- mous excitement by the energy companies, and make no mistake, the oppor-
WENDY LAURSEN, Australia tunities in oil and gas production will be ever present and voluminous with the incoming administration.
But times change.
You walk into the Offshore Technology Conference today in Houston, and [email protected] there is a large and growing ‘renewable energy’ pavilion, something that would have been unthinkable 10 years ago, let alone in 1993 when I frst started mak-
TERRY BREESE, VP Sales ing the annual trek to Houston for OTC. In this edition – in every edition of +1 (561) 732-1185 | [email protected]
OE we explore the full range of emission reduction and environmental ben-
JOHN CAGNI efcial technologies, from the reduction/elimination of gas faring to carbon [email protected] | +1 631-472-2715 capture and storage to the leveraging of Artifcial Intelligence to make offshore
FRANK COVELLA operations more effcient and effective. Offshore wind, both the established [email protected] | +1 561-732-1659 fxed bottom and emerging foating wind, will have a role in the energy mix
MIKE KOZLOWSKI now and in the future. The holy grail is to evolve the business so that it can [email protected] | +1 561-733-2477 stand on its own, sans taxpayer funding.
I’ve again called upon our tight cadre of industry market experts from (516) 441-7258 | [email protected]
Fearnley Offshore Supply AS, Intelatus, Welligence Energy Analytics and
Check out the
Westwood RigLogix to deliver their own 2025 prognostications, and they col-
CEO 2025 Media lectively – as they do in each and every edition of Offshore Engineer – deliver
Kit via the QR their unique insight on what you can expect to see in the coming year. [email protected]
Code Below
I offer my sincere thanks to them … and also to you … our global commu-
President & COO nity of Offshore Engineer contributors, readers and advertisers whose interest
GREGORY R. TRAUTHWEIN [email protected] and support power us forward every day, week, month and year.
IT Director
Public Relations
MARK O’MALLEY [email protected]
Gregory R. Trauthwein [email protected]
Editor & Publisher
Circulation [email protected]
KATHLEEN HICKEY [email protected] m: +1-516.810.7405
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