Internet Cafe

  • Maritime Telecommunications Network (MTN) has installed Carnival Cruise Lines' first Internet Cafe on the Carnival Triumph. The Internet Cafe unites Digital Seas International's (DSI) Internet product with the latest in highspeed Internet satellite communications from MTN. Carnival's 14 other Fun Ships are expected to have Internet Cafes installed by the end of the year.

    MTN allows for satellite delivery of the Internet for the cruise lines and the U.S. Navy by providing ShipNet, an asymmetric Internet service, which delivers high-speed connectivity and cost-effective use of satellite space.

    This technology is making MTN one of the largest Internet service providers (ISP) in the maritime industry. Dave Kagan, president of ATC Teleports and MTN said, "These new Internet Cafes are a really exciting development for the cruise line industry, and for MTN. Our cruise line customers can now deliver all the latest services and entertainment their guests are requesting and we are taking a leadership role in making it possible for Carnival." Circle 61 on Reader Service Card

  • the room's dividers, hardwood paneling and louvers, and wicker furnishings. Taking the place of the vessel's Dutch-themed library will be an Internet cafe. Managed by Digital Seas, the nine workstations will operate at 128 kbps via MTN satellite. The vessel's 12 lifeboats and four tenders did

  • friendly power plant available in cruise ship engine technology. Spirit, which is scheduled for an April 29, 2001 debut, will also house an Internet cafe. Provided by Marine Telecommunications Network (MTN) and Digital Seas International (DSI). The new service allows passengers to check email

  • MR Feb-00#29  Caribbean Online, an Internet Cafe built by 
James P)
    February 2000 - Maritime Reporter and Engineering News page: 29

    .382.4344 732.388.5111 fax [email protected] e-mail Circle 226 on Reader Service Card Royal Caribbean Online, an Internet Cafe built by James P. Colie & Associates is featured on Grandeur of the Seas. February, 2000 Marine interior contractor James P. Colie &

  • MR Jun-15-00#51  
Cruise Lines)
    June 15, 2000 - Maritime Reporter and Engineering News page: 51

    Card MTN, DSI Complete Internet Cafe Installation Maritime Telecommunications Net- work (MTN) has installed Carnival Cruise Lines' first Internet Cafe on the Carnival Triumph. The Internet Cafe unites Digital Seas International's (DSI) Internet product with the latest in high- speed Internet

  • MR Apr-01#25  Vista Class will house an Internet cafe. 
and crew staterooms)
    April 2001 - Maritime Reporter and Engineering News page: 25

    smoke alarms that are audible in all passenger The new ship class will boast an expansive atrium. Each member of the Vista Class will house an Internet cafe. and crew staterooms, adjacent corridors and bridge. Prior to this new standard, cruise ships were only required to have smoke alarms on

  • MR Oct-04#26  Seas - our turn -key Internet Cafe, 
OceanNews - daily)
    October 2004 - Maritime Reporter and Engineering News page: 26

    solutions for voice, data, Internet, and compressed video. Additionally MTN offers a wide array of services including: Digital Seas - our turn -key Internet Cafe, OceanNews - daily newspaper service, Prepaid Calling Cards, Live Broadcast Services and Shore to Ship Calling. Optimize Your Communications

  • MR Sep-12#47  clear VoIP calling, Internet cafe, crew calling, managed)
    September 2012 - Maritime Reporter and Engineering News page: 47

    an iPhone app. The CommBox-ACU provides a full suite of onboard services optimized for satellite communications, including crystal clear VoIP calling, Internet cafe, crew calling, managed e-mail, se- cure file delivery, and remote network access. September 47MR#9 (42-49):MR

  • MR Nov-11#53  class vessel with an internet cafe, a gymnasium and asauna)
    November 2011 - Maritime Reporter and Engineering News page: 53

    Sirius complies with the IMOcode of safety for special purpose ships(SPS code) for up to 70 persons. She is ahigh-standard comfort class vessel with an internet cafe, a gymnasium and asauna. There are 52 single cabins and only nine double cabins on board. The mess room, galley and the four dayrooms have large