Federico Pena

  • MR Feb-97#78  of 
Transportation Federico Pena. 
"Joan Yim)
    February 1997 - Maritime Reporter and Engineering News page: 78

    the box for industry reports. Or contact Jim McCaul at 202-333-8501. Circle 320 on Reader Service Card said U.S. Secretary of Transportation Federico Pena. "Joan Yim's energy, focus and insight have been the driving force in res

  • MR Feb-96#26  of Transportation 
Federico Pena announced that 
    February 1996 - Maritime Reporter and Engineering News page: 26

    building in Greece. For more information on Alfa Laval Circle 7 on Reader Service Card DOT Funds Ferry Projects Secretary of Transportation Federico Pena announced that the U.S. Department of Transport- ation has awarded more than $220 million in discretionary funds for "J.W. Fishers' PULSE

  • MR Nov-95#18  of Transportation Federico Pena introduced to Congress)
    November 1995 - Maritime Reporter and Engineering News page: 18

    the Maritime Trades De- sea." partment, AFL-CIO 1995 Biennial Convention, Touching on the bill the administration re- Secretary of Transportation Federico Pena introduced to Congress that would allow told the audience that this is a time of great America to maintain a modern fleet; provide hope and

  • MR Mar-95#91  of Transportation 
Federico Pena will address 4,000)
    March 1995 - Maritime Reporter and Engineering News page: 91

    sup- port. The work will be performed in the company's N.H. facility. Pena To Address Technology Meeting U.S. Secretary of Transportation Federico Pena will address 4,000 transportation leaders expected to convene for the Fifth Annual Meet- ing of the Intelligent Transporta- tion Society

  • MR Mar-95#75  
Federico Pena 
appointed Jack 
    March 1995 - Maritime Reporter and Engineering News page: 75

    , Zurich, Switzerland, tel: +41 1 384 4844; fax: +41 1 384 4848. Hynes Appointed To Nafl Advisory Committee Transportation Secretary Federico Pena appointed Jack Hynes, of Jefferson City, Mo., to a two year term on the Towing Safety Ad- visory Committee. The committee, sponsored

  • MR Mar-95#5  of Transportation 
Federico Pena announced that the)
    March 1995 - Maritime Reporter and Engineering News page: 5

    our shipbuilding capacity, the Secretary said. DOT Selects Winners For University Transportation Center Grants Secretary of Transportation Federico Pena announced that the Department of Transportation (DOT) has chosen the 10 institu- tions of higher learning that will receive grants totaling

  • MR Mar-95#4  of Transportation 
Federico Pena presented to Con-
    March 1995 - Maritime Reporter and Engineering News page: 4

    budget outlay reductions in the next five years. Secretary Pena Presents $36.9 Billion DOT Budget To Congress Secretary of Transportation Federico Pena presented to Con- gress the Department of Transportation's (DOT) budget pro- posal for fiscal year 1996. The $36.9 billion budget proposal

  • MR Dec-94#26  of Transportation 
Federico Pena personally con-
    December 1994 - Maritime Reporter and Engineering News page: 26

    worldwide and a yearlong series of tests performed jointly by the National Data Buoy Center and the USCG. Secretary of Transportation Federico Pena personally con- gratulated Gilman Corporation President Richard L. Gilman on the results of the 8 x 26 evaluation. linking ports, coasts

  • MR Aug-94#107  of 
Transportation Federico Pena 
said. "Our proposed)
    August 1994 - Maritime Reporter and Engineering News page: 107

    shipbuilding ini- tiative is one part of our overall effort to ensure America's future as a maritime nation," Secretary of Transportation Federico Pena said. "Our proposed Maritime Se- curity and Trade Act will ensure that merchant ships will continue to fly the American flag and be crewed

  • MR Aug-94#43  of Transportation 
Federico Pena, has urged its en-
    August 1994 - Maritime Reporter and Engineering News page: 43

    proficient in their use. AWO's board of direc- tors voted overwhelmingly to sup- port HR 3282 and AWO, along with Secretary of Transportation Federico Pena, has urged its en- actment before the one-year anni- versary of the Amtrak accident on September 22. The bill was passed unanimously by voice

  • MR Jul-94#9  of Transportation 
Federico Pena announced several)
    July 1994 - Maritime Reporter and Engineering News page: 9

    will continue to serve as a member of the board. Pena Announces Vessel Design Compliance Initiatives Secretary of Transportation Federico Pena announced several initiatives designed to enhance maritime policy reform and has di- rected the U.S. Coast Guard (USCG) to execute a four-point

  • MR Jun-94#125  of Transportation Federico Pena)
    June 1994 - Maritime Reporter and Engineering News page: 125

    '94 Conference and Exhibit: "At the Maritime Admin- istration, we intend to adjust our objectives to meet Secretary of Transportation Federico Pena's vi- sion for a seamless intermodal transportation sys- tem — one that effectively ties America together and efficiently moves the nation's

  • MR May-94#16  of 
Transportation Federico Pena. 
USCG To Test Pollution)
    May 1994 - Maritime Reporter and Engineering News page: 16

    to protect the environment devel- oped by the Research and Special Programs Ad- ministration, under the direction of Secretary of Transportation Federico Pena. USCG To Test Pollution Ticketing The U.S. Coast Guard (USCG) has initiated a program to issue tickets for oil spills of less than 100

  • MR Apr-94#23  Secretary 
Federico Pena reportedly esti-
    April 1994 - Maritime Reporter and Engineering News page: 23

    of 1994, and constitutes a de- parture from previous proposals in that it contains a plan for paying subsidy costs. Transportation Secretary Federico Pena reportedly esti- mated that 52 ships would qualify for the program. However, only 32 would be allowed to enter the pro- gram in the first

  • MR Mar-94#35 , DOT Secretary 
Federico Pena acted within days)
    March 1994 - Maritime Reporter and Engineering News page: 35

    (H.R. 3282) to increase navi- gation equipment requirements for towing vessels. At the Department of Transportation, DOT Secretary Federico Pena acted within days of the accident to direct that a five- part study of towing industry safety be undertaken by the U.S. Coast Guard (USCG)

  • MR Feb-94#68  
of Transportation Federico Pena 
cited the development)
    February 1994 - Maritime Reporter and Engineering News page: 68

    U.S. Transportation Needs Innovative Technology At the Transportation Research Board's annual meeting, Secretary of Transportation Federico Pena cited the development and use of innovative technology as tools that will be critical to providing the trans- portation America needs. The

  • MR Feb-94#10  Transportation Secretary 
Federico Pena. 
The goal of the)
    February 1994 - Maritime Reporter and Engineering News page: 10

    port dredg- ing have formed an Interagency Working Group on the Dredging Process, according to Department of Transportation Secretary Federico Pena. The goal of the group is to find a better way to coordinate the pro- cess by which essential harbor and berthing area dredging projects

  • MR Oct-93#65  to DOT Secretary 
Federico Pena, MarAd found that)
    October 1993 - Maritime Reporter and Engineering News page: 65

    bid- ders' list (QBL) pilot program for shipyards bidding to repair vessels in the Ready Reserve Force (RRF). According to DOT Secretary Federico Pena, MarAd found that the QBL program did not produce the anticipated improvements in repair-work quality, was not as cost effective as MarAd

  • MR Oct-93#33  of 
Transportation Federico Pena. A 
graduate of the)
    October 1993 - Maritime Reporter and Engineering News page: 33

    On September 14 Adm. Albert J. Herberger was formally sworn in as Administrator of the Maritime Administration by Secretary of Transportation Federico Pena. A graduate of the U.S. Merchant Ma- rine Academy, Adm. Herberger served in the American merchant marine early in his career and in the

  • MR Sep-93#40  of Transportation 
Federico Pena from authorizing 
    September 1993 - Maritime Reporter and Engineering News page: 40

    to H.R. 1964, which is the Maritime Administration's authorization bill for fiscal year 1994, would prohibit Secretary of Transportation Federico Pena from authorizing vessel operators from changing flags (on vessels 3,000-gt and larger) un- til January 1994. H.R. 1964 passed the House

  • MR Sep-93#26  of Trans-
portation Federico Pena in re-
sponse to)
    September 1993 - Maritime Reporter and Engineering News page: 26

    the availability of its Report on Foreign Shipbuilding Sub- sidies. The report was transmitted to Congress by Secretary of Trans- portation Federico Pena in re- sponse to a requirement under the National Defense Authorization Act of 1993. It describes various government programs of assistance

  • MR Aug-93#8  of Trans-
portation Federico Pena directed 
the Coast)
    August 1993 - Maritime Reporter and Engineering News page: 8

    The River's Wrath: Mississippi Flooding Hampers Barge Movement To support relief efforts in the flooded Midwest, Secretary of Trans- portation Federico Pena directed the Coast Guard to begin an invol- untary mobilization of reservists, "only the second mobilization of the Coast Guard Reserves

  • MR Jun-93#15  of Trans-
portation Federico Pena. Mr. 
Pena said Ms)
    June 1993 - Maritime Reporter and Engineering News page: 15

    Deputy Maritime Administrator Joan Yim was sworn in as deputy administrator of the Maritime Ad- ministration by Secretary of Trans- portation Federico Pena. Mr. Pena said Ms. Yim has a broad experience in policy analysis, interagency coordination and gov- ernment affairs. She was a super- vising

  • MR Jun-93#6  of Transportation 
Federico Pena to draft a five-year)
    June 1993 - Maritime Reporter and Engineering News page: 6

    Legislation Hopes To Compel Revitalization Of Nation's Marine Business Recently-passed legislation re- quires Secretary of Transportation Federico Pena to draft a five-year plan for revitalizing the merchant marine business. The bill will require the Adminis- tration to take a long-range