Self Polishing Copolymer Antifoulings

  • International Paint Company, Inc. has announced availability of a new, 14-page technical bulletin introducing its "Intersmooth SPC Family of Self Polishing Copolymer Antifoulings," which the company reports "cut fuel costs an average 12 percent yearly." The bulletin documents Intersmooth SPC performance on over 400 vessels—ranging from fishing vessels to ULCCs—since 1974.

    Describing the concept of the Intersmooth SPC Family, the bulletin advises "to improve operational profitability, shipowners must do more than simply control macroscopic fouling—including including weeds, slimes and barnacles— due to their direct effect on performance." Using graphic comparisons, and statistical tracking, the bulletin c o m p a r e s performance between vessels using traditional coatings, and those treated with Intersmooth SPC. Results show, according to the company, Intersmooth SPC cutting operating costs in a dramatic manner.

    Over 1,500 vessels treated with traditional antifouling coatings (including container vessels, oil tankers, passenger liners, bulk carriers, cargo vessels, and ferries) were also monitored by International Paint.

    International states the bulletin clearly d e m o n s t r a t e s how costs and benefits derived via Intersmooth SPC applications are substantial, resulting directly in operational profitability for shipowners.

    The new International Paint Company, Inc. technical bulletin describes how each member of the "Intersmooth SPC Family of Self Polishing Copolymers" is formulated and processed for specific applications.

    For copies of the Intersmooth SPC Family brochure, Write 28 on Reader Service Card

  • were determined primarily based on the speed with which a vessel became fouled. Today, of course, this is no longer true because of the introduction of self-polishing copolymer antifouling paint by major marine suppliers almost two decades ago. Now ships can be specified to remain free from serious fouling

  • the long life antifouling properties, reduced drag resistance, hull smoothing, fuel and maintenance savings previously associated with the TBT self-polishing copolymers without utilizing TBT. ABC #3 has been applied to over 200 vessels covering millions of square feet of underwater hulls in

  • MR Aug-08#51  to biocide containing SPC (self polishing copolymer) antifouling)
    August 2008 - Maritime Reporter and Engineering News page: 51

    new technology." While offering predicted fuel and emissions savings* of 2% in comparison to Intersleek 700 and 6% in comparison to biocide containing SPC (self polishing copolymer) antifoulings, customer in-service experience on this diverse range of 100 ships has demonstrated savings considerably higher than