Sel Technology

  • MR Jul-19#51  incubator organized  sel technology, the announcement)
    July 2019 - Maritime Reporter and Engineering News page: 51

    areas for autonomous maritime ves- Solberg, joined by Lise Kingo, CEO & divide the mooring operations between time technology incubator organized sel technology, the announcement marks Executive Director of the UN Global two different operators at two different by the Finland based Digital, Internet

  • MN Oct-18#19  mine countermeasure  sel technology. ASV Global’s unmanned)
    October 2018 - Marine News page: 19

    . ASV Global’s technology is front and the most straight forward applications of autonomous ves- center on Europe’s most advanced mine countermeasure sel technology. ASV Global’s unmanned vessels have been program. We have also had great success with intelligence, used over the past three years to support

  • MR Sep-90#65  combines advanced die-
sel technology with excellent fuel)
    September 1990 - Maritime Reporter and Engineering News page: 65

    consisting of the Sea King 8 engine, Reintjes gearbox and engine controls. According to Dorman, the Sea King range combines advanced die- sel technology with excellent fuel efficiency and highly reliable pro- pulsion power, making the engines ideal for the most arduous fishing Dorman Sea