Short Maritime Reporter 1977 Articles
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Maritime Reporter
on December 1977The Maritime Administration's Deputy Assistant Secretary Robert R. Casey has approved in principle the application by Union Mechling Corporation for a Title XI guarantee to aid in financing the construction of 50 covered hopper barges and eight tank barges. The vessels are designed for transp
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Maritime Reporter
on December 1977E.L. Shannon Jr., president of Santa Fe International Corp., Orange, Calif., has announced that development drilling has started in Thistle Field in Block 211/18 in the North Sea. Mr. Shannon said the first production well began drilling October 27, deepening a hole previously drilled to ab
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Maritime Reporter
on December 1977Barney Evans, widely known as a PR specialist in the maritime field, recently took early retirement from Crowley Maritime Corporation and has opened his own public relations consulting firm at 215 Market Street, Suite 530, San Francisco, Calif. 94105. He served with the Crowley organization,
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Maritime Reporter
on December 1977Sun Shipbuilding and Dry Dock Co., Chester, Pa. 19013, has formed a new department — New Construction Estimating, Budgeting & Cost Analysis — and appointed H. Peirce Brawner Jr. manager of the new department, reporting to the president. The new department will be responsible for providing a
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Maritime Reporter
on December 1977The Honorary Consul for Norway, Georg K. Thestrup, has officially opened UNITOR Ships Service's new office and warehouse facilities in Port Jersey Industrial Center. The company's operations in the USA have increased substantially in the past few years, and the company realized the need to
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Maritime Reporter
on December 1977Jean Fitzgerald, president of Tracor Marine, Inc., Port Everglades, Fla., has been elected president of the Southeast Shipyard Association. Tracor Marine, Inc. is a marine technical services organization which maintains an industrial shipyard and fleet of oceanographic research vessels. The
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Maritime Reporter
on December 1977Robert J. Fortier has been appointed director-corporate advertising and marketing communications at Combustion Engineering, Inc., it was announced by William J. Connolly, corporate vice president, marketing and communications. Mr. Fortier formerly was manager of corporate advertising at C-E
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Maritime Reporter
on December 1977Dr. Charles O. Heller, president of CADCOM, Inc., Annapolis, Md., has announced the appointment of F. William Helming as program director for CADCOM's Washington, D.C. office. In his new position Mr. Helming will have responsibility for sales and marketing, liaison with Government and comme
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Maritime Reporter
on December 1977Perko, Inc. has just released their new 1978-79 full line Catalog- #230. This edition illustrates and describes thousands of marine lights, hardware and accessories for boats and ships of all types and sizes, including scores of new and improved products introduced in recent months. The new
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Maritime Reporter
on December 1977In keeping with the growing demands of the offshore market, Jim Darby has recently been appointed sales engineer for Bird- Johnson's Gulf Coast office located at 6430 Hillcroft, Houston, Texas. This assignment represents an expansion of the company's regional resources. Mr. Darby will work
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Maritime Reporter
on December 1977John Perez, general manager of Comet Marine Supply Co., New York, N.Y., has announced the appointment of Comet as marine distributor for John Crane Mechanical Seals and Packing, manufactured by Crane Packing Co. Crane is one of the world's largest manufacturers of seals for pumps and simila
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Maritime Reporter
on December 1977Rapifax Corporation has supplied United States Lines with nine Rapifax 100 units domestically, and seven overseas, creating the first high-speed facsimile system for the transmission of stowage information in the intermodal transport industry. This gives United States Lines the capability to e
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Maritime Reporter
on December 1977Everett L. Case, vice president of marketing for the Process and Gas Division of Worthington Compressors, Inc., has announced senior management positions on his marketing and sales staff. Named to the marketing staff are Daniel J. Schiffhauer, director of marketing for process compressors a
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Maritime Reporter
on December 1977Earle V. Maynard presented a brief paper entitled "Strict Liability, Its Impact on the Marine Field" at a recent dinner meeting of the Northern California Section of The Society of Naval Architects and Marine Engineers. Mr. Maynard outlined the potential problems over recent court interpretati
- SNAME Philadelphia Section Hears Paper On New Flexible Shipbuilding And Ship Repair Facility page: 16
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Maritime Reporter
on December 1977The Philadelphia, Pa., Section of The Society of Naval Architects and Marine Engineers held its October meeting at the Airport Holiday Inn in Essington. Seventy members and guests attended the technical session to hear a paper entitled "New Flexible Shipbuilding and Ship Repair Facility," p
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Maritime Reporter
on December 1977The Maritime Administration has released a two-volume technical report which provides a comprehensive engineering and economic analysis of various improvements that can be applied to conventional two-heater steam turbine propulsion machinery systems to improve overall specific fuel consumpt
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Maritime Reporter
on December 1977Blount Marine Corporation of Warren, R.I., has announced that it has been awarded a contract for the construction of two 150- foot offshore oil-supply boats. The contract includes options for two more identical vessels. The vessels are being built for the State Boat Corporation of Houston,
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Maritime Reporter
on December 1977A $281,203 contract for the Development of a Standardized U.S. Flag Dry Bulk Carrier has been awarded to M. Rosenblatt & Son, Inc., Naval Architects and Marine Engineers, 350 Broadway, New York, N.Y., by the Department of Commerce, Maritime Administration. M. Rosenblatt & Son, Inc. has form
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Maritime Reporter
on December 1977Genstar Limited, Montreal, Canada, has announced the appointment of James S. Byrn as president of Genstar Marine Limited, Vancouver, British Columbia. Mr. Byrn was formerly president and owner of Gulf of Georgia Towing Co. Ltd. of Vancouver, recently acquired by Genstar's Seaspan Internatio
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Maritime Reporter
on November 15, 1977As part of an effort to enhance Wigham Poland Inc.'s brokerage services, one of the first areas to be expanded is the marine insurance division. The marine division, 111 John Street, New York, N.Y. 10038, headed by a team of professionals with excellent reputations, will offer a wider range o