Maritime Reporter 1992 Articles
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Maritime Reporter
on April 1992Gladding-Hearn Shipbuilding, The Duclos Corp., recently delivered a new pilot boat to the Charleston Branch Pilots. The SIS, a 39-foot monohull, is the fifth pilot boat built by the Massachusetts yard for the South Carolina company since 1960. The latest vessel will ferry crews from downtown
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Maritime Reporter
on April 1992Marine Industries Northwest Incorporated (MINI) recently drydocked the freighter Redfin to install a new bow thruster unit. The 2,800-ton drydock MINI 1, had previously lifted the Redfin's twin sister Yellowfin for a routine drydocking. Installation of the Michigan bow thruster unit in the R
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Maritime Reporter
on April 1992Trans-Tec Services Pte. Ltd. of Singapore recently announced that William D. Aldenderfer joined the company as managing director. He will replace Kevin Bryant. Mr. Aldenderfer comes to TTS from PRI, Hawaii, and before that, Thome Ship Management, Singapore. Earlier Mr. Aldenderfer had a succ
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Maritime Reporter
on April 1992T-Torque Drive System, Inc. recently announced that its drive system is now available to all boat builders and high-speed enthusiasts. This system was originally developed for the Tempest 44-foot high-speed diesel-powered craft and later modified to accommodate any size vessel. It can be use
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Maritime Reporter
on April 1992The Water Technologies Division of Aqua-Chem, Milwaukee, Wis., is offering a free brochure on the freshwater equipment manufactured by the company. Aqua-Chem has over 30 years of naval experience and its rugged, reliable systems have long been chosen by the U.S. Navy for use on submarines,
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Maritime Reporter
on April 1992The New Orleans-based harbor tug and long distance towing firm, E.N. Bisso and Son, Inc., has taken delivery of the 110-foot tug Capt. Bud Bisso from the Boat Division of Avondale Industries, Inc. The new vessel is equipped for both shiphandling and ocean towing. The 4,400-hp tug is certifie
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Maritime Reporter
on April 1992The U.S. Coast Guard recently entered into a Memorandum of Agreement with Det norske Veritas (DnV) to perform tonnage a d m e a s u r e m e n t on the Coast Guard's behalf. With the enactment of this agreement, owners of all U.S.-flag vessels now have an option on which they may approach fo
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Maritime Reporter
on April 1992Marlow Ropes Ltd, one of the leadingU. K. manufacturers ofhigh-technology fiber ropes, is offering a free, full-color, 36-page literature package on the ropes marketed by the company. Marlow currently supplies their products worldwide to the marine and offshore industries, specializing in m
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Maritime Reporter
on April 1992Tom Bender Jr., president of Bender Shipbuilding and Repair Co., Inc., announced the award of a contract to Bender by Jo Daviess Riverboat Venture of Chicago for the conversion of the 205-foot Galena Eagle (Ex-Monte Carlo) from a dinner excursion vessel to a casino riverboat. The Galena Eagl
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Maritime Reporter
on April 1992The Canadian Department of Defense recently installed an SPD computerized, all-cell battery monitoring system aboard one of the Canadian Navy's diesel-powered submarines. 36 The system, which was placed onboard the HMCS Onandaga, recently completed final testing after being retrofitted at t
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Maritime Reporter
on April 1992The 10th annual Subsea Intervention Conference & Exposition, featuring ROV '92, has been scheduled to be held at the San Diego Convention Center in San Diego, Calif., June 10-12, 1992. Sponsored by the ROV Committee and the San Diego Section of the Marine Technology Society, Intervention/ R
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Maritime Reporter
on April 1992Engineering Computer Optecnomics, Inc. (ECO), Annapolis, Md., recently delivered an eight ship integrated shiphandling and navigation simulation system to the U.S. Naval Academy. The Captains III system will enable the Academy to train students in shiphandling, radar and visual piloting, and
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Maritime Reporter
on April 1992ABS recently held a seminar on "Tanker Designs for the 21st Century" in Houston, Texas. The seminar was kicked off with opening remarks by ABS chairman Frank Iarossi and was followed by presentations from representatives of three shipping companies (BP, Chevron and Arco Marine), the Coast G
- IHI's Contra rotating Propeller To Be Installed On VLCC Scheduled For Commissioning In 1993 page: 38
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Maritime Reporter
on April 1992Ishikawajima-Harima Heavy Industries Co., Ltd. (IHI) of Tokyo, Japan, received an order early last September from Idemitsu Tanker Co., Ltd. to build a 253,923-dwt VLCC which will be equipped with IHI's contrarotating propeller (CRP) system. The ship, to be the first IHI VLCC to have a CRP, i
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Maritime Reporter
on April 1992Following a recent meeting between Donald J. Atwood, Deputy Secretary of Defense, and American shipyard representatives in which the future of U.S. shipbuilding and ship repair in the wake of planned defense spending reductions was discussed, Shipbuilders Council of America president John S
- Carnival Examines Future Ship Designs page: 101
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Maritime Reporter
on April 1992The plans for the next generation of Carnival's cruise ships are being overseen by Ted Arison, retired chairman and head of the company's newbuilding program since founding Carnival 20 years ago. In the search for new designs for the 21st century, Mr. Arison is considering a wide-beamed vess
- U n i t o r To Conduct U n i q u e R e f r i g e r a t i o n T r a i n i n g On G a s Tanker page: 77
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Maritime Reporter
on April 1992Unitor A.S., of Kolbotn, Norway, has entered into an agreement with the Hanseatic Marine Training School in Cyprus to train Unitor marine refrigeration service technicians onboard Hanseatic's combined training ship/gas carrier Annabella. The company also operates its own training centers in
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Maritime Reporter
on April 1992Commenting on a White House plan to "reduce the burden of government regulation," American President Lines (APL) and Sea-Land have asked the government to expand the Wilson-Weeks Agreement which bars government owned and operated vessels from competing with commercial ships. The nation's tw
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Maritime Reporter
on April 1992Under an agreement with Statoil, Jotun Protective Coatings A/S, Norway, is supplying protective coatings and technical services for all three Gullfaks and Veslefrikk offshore platforms. The value of the two-year contract is over $ 1,553,000 (10 million Norwegian kroner) and this agreement ma
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Maritime Reporter
on April 1992Stemming from the U.S. Oil Pollution Act of 1990, tanker operators are transferring rising liability insurance premiums and the costs of covering Coast Guard spill response plans to their charterers. As a result of U.S. legislation, the International Association of Independent Tanker Owners