Medium Maritime Reporter 1992 Articles
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Maritime Reporter
on July 1992Finnyards, Ltd., of Rauma, Finland, has received a FIM (Finnish Mark) 560 million ($130 million) order from the Finnish National Board of Navigation for a second 116-meter (381-foot) long, 26-meter breadth (85.3-feet) multipurpose icebreaker to be delivered in early 1994. This ship and its s
- Singmarine Launches One Of WorlcTs Largest Well Stimulation Vessels For The Western Company page: 55
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Maritime Reporter
on July 1992The well stimulation vessel Western Renaissance was recently launched by Singmarine Dockyard and Engineering Pte, Ltd., a subsidiary of Singmarine Industries, Ltd., for The Western Company of North America, Houston, Texas. Singmarine Dockyard & Engineering, a leading builder and repairer of
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Maritime Reporter
on July 1992Atlantic Marine, Inc., Jacksonville, Fla., recently delivered the Empress to Des Plaines River Entertainment Corporation, Joliet, 111. The 222- by 66-foot twin deck casino vessel, with a capacity for 1,200 passengers and 100 crew, will offer gam- 14 ing cruises on the Des Plaines River. Des
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Maritime Reporter
on July 1992Purchase Forms World's Largest Subsea Contracting Group For Oil & Gas Industries The third and fourth in a series of five 2,100-dwt stainless steel chemical tanker for the transport of bulk liquids along the Rhine River and its tributaries have been delivered to Stolt Stinnes. Stolt Stinnes
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Maritime Reporter
on July 1992The Quebec-based Industrial Systems Division of Siemens Electric Ltd. has supplied an integrated electric propulsion system (see Figure 1) for the newest British Columbia car ferry. Already in service, the 85- vehicle, 300-passenger MTV Queen of Capilano is the first of two such ferries for
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Maritime Reporter
on July 1992Jacksonville, Fla., naval architects and marine engineers Rodney E. Lay & Associates is completing construction detail drawings for a new 210-foot sidewheel casino vessel which will be owned and operated by Players International and Southern Illinois Riverboat Casino Cruises in Metropolis, 1
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Maritime Reporter
on July 1992A Markey Machinery Co.,Inc., type DUSS-71 single drum hawser winch was provided to Edison Chouest Offshore, Inc., recently for service aboard a new emergency response vessel built at North American Shipbuilding and owned by L.O.O.P. Offshore, Inc. This single drum winch design has a capacit
- Distribution Of Navy Repair Work page: 34
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Maritime Reporter
on July 1992Commercial yards have performed more than 60 percent of maintenance availabilities over the past six years. Of the 1,261 scheduled maintenance availabilities performed between FY 1985 and 1990, 799 (63 percent) were contracted to commercial shipyards. The eight naval shipyards performed 373
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Maritime Reporter
on May 1992The Navy's 22nd Aegis guided missile cruiser, the U.S.S. Anzio, CG 68, is scheduled to be commissioned into the Atlantic fleet at the Norfolk Naval Station, Norfolk, Virginia this month. Captain H. Wyman Howard, Jr., USN, will be accepting command of the ship, with Lieut. Comdr. Kevin S. Amo
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Maritime Reporter
on May 1992NEI Syncrolift, Miami, Fla., has received three more orders for shiplifts and transfer systems. The systems are to be installed in the United States, El Salvador and Hong Kong. Scott Paper, Mount Vernon, Ala., is equipping its new yard with a 1,450-ton capacity Syncrolift which will be used
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Maritime Reporter
on May 1992Marine Safety International (MSI) and the Municipality of Rotterdam announced a joint venture to establish a world-class maritime research and training center in Rotterdam, the Netherlands. The center, to be managed and operated by MarineSafety International Rotterdam B.V., will house six s
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Maritime Reporter
on May 1992Largest Vessel Delivered To Date By Washington Yard The 232-foot, 1,600-passenger M/V Star of Honolulu, the largest, heaviest vessel ever built by Nichols Brothers Boat Builders, was recently delivered by the firm's Whidbey Island, Wash., yard to operator, Paradise Cruise Ltd., of Honolulu,
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Maritime Reporter
on May 1992The Savannah, Ga., shipyard of Intermarine USA recently launched the U.S. Navy ship Heron (MHC- 52), the second in a series of advanced minehunter vessels. The Heron is constructed entirely of glass reinforced plastic (GRP) to a design first developed for the Italian Navy Lerici Class minehu
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Maritime Reporter
on May 1992$3.72 Billion Appropriated For Fiscal Year (FY) 1993, the budget proposes a funding level of $3,718 billion in appropriations for the U.S. Coast Guard, a five percent increase over the FY 1992 level. Included in the total are $203 million to be transferred from the Department of Defense an
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Maritime Reporter
on May 1992Show Set for May 27-29, Genoa, Italy The next (12th) International Tug & Salvage Exhibition will incorporate the Genoa Workboat Show, bringing two exhibitions under one roof at the international fairground in Genoa, Italy, May 27- 29, 1992, during the gathering of executives involved in th
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Maritime Reporter
on May 1992Nearly 20 years ago three McQuay 500-ton centrifugal chillers were installed onboard the Queen Elizabeth II (QEII) to provide the vessel's main chilled water supply. Today, according to Cunard Line, all three chiller units are fully operational. The example set by the QEII's McQuay centrifug
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Maritime Reporter
on May 1992USA Information Systems Inc., of Virginia Beach, is offering its compact disk (CD) based "CD-FICHE™" information storage and retrieval system to customers involved with government logistics support activities. According to the company, CDFICHE ™ is a unique indexing and retrieval database so
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Maritime Reporter
on May 1992The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers is facing a major effort from the inland waterway industry to have more funding from its operating budget diverted to low-cost lock renovations that would significantly reduce barge traffic delays. Within two years of being approved, Corps money would begin
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Maritime Reporter
on May 1992The "reborn" 525-foot-long Sally Albatross, the largest cruise liner ever built at Finnyards Ltd., the Finnish shipbuilder, was recently delivered to Finnish owner Oy Sally Line Ab of Helsinki. Through a unique approach, the submerged part of the previous Sally Albatross, including her main
- Trinity Marine Awarded $31.2 Million Contract By U.S. Army To Build Two LSVs For Philippines Navy page: 36
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Maritime Reporter
on May 1992Trinity Industries, Inc., subsidiary Halter Marine, Inc., was recently awarded a $31.2 million contract by the U.S. Army to build two, 273-foot logistics support vessels (LSV) for use by the Philippines Navy. The contract also includes an option for a third vessel which could bring the value