Page 53: of Marine News Magazine (November 2013)
Fleet Optimization Roundtable
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PRODUCTSJeppesen Revolutionizes ENC Licensing With New Solution Jeppesen has revolutionized the navigational chart industry by introducing FlatFee licensing for its ofÞ cial Electronic Navi- gation Charts (ENCs). Jeppesen FlatFee lets mariners purchase some or all of nine worldwide zones at an affordable Þ xed price. Vessels are able to view and use all charts, for voyage planning and navigation, without limitations for one year. If sailing needs change, additional zone subscriptions can be added without having to create new licenses. Jeppesen uses a variation of existing licensing methods to ensure accurate processing of Hydrographic OfÞ ce commissions. www.jeppesen.com/marine/commercial Omni-Directional Output for BEx Horns E2S has introduced a new option for its market-leading BEx range of explosion proof horns. A new design of output horn turns the sound 90 degrees into a radial, omni-direc- tional pattern without reducing the unitÕs sound output levels. Suited to combine horn/strobe units that are ordinarily installed with the strobe at the top and the horn facing downwards so that the sound output is pointing di- rectly at the ß oor, limiting its range and impact, the BEx combined unitÕs the radial horn offers a smaller footprint than the directional one. www.e2s.com Victaulic Valves DNV Approved Victaulic has received Type Ap- provals from DNV (Det Norske Veritas) for its Vic-300 MasterSeal butterß y valves - Series 761 and Vic-Check check valves - Series 716 and 716H. The approval cer- tiÞ cates are valid until end June 2017 and cover Class III piping systems for fresh water cooling, condensate return, non- essential systems, sanitary drains and non-essential service air. Vic-300 MasterSeal butterß y valves have DNV Type Approval in the size range DN50 Ð 300 (2Ó Ð 12Ó) with a pressure rating of 21 bar (300 psi) and a temperature range from 0 - 121¡C (32 Ð 250¡F). www.victaulic.com Raymarine Evolution autopilot certiÞ ed for SeaStar Solutions Optimus systems RaymarineÕs new Evolution EV-2 drive-by-wire autopilot system has been certiÞ ed for use with Sea- Star SolutionsÕ Optimus EPS and Optimus 360 electronics steering systems. Optimus EPS systems provide effortless electronic power steering, while Optimus 360 systems add 360-degree maneuvering capa- bilities using a joystick controller. Both use state-of-the-art CAN bus networking for steer-by-wire control. The Evo- lution EV-2 autopilot system delivers sharp course keeping and simple operation. EvolutionÕs innovative EV-2 sensor core connects directly to the Optimus CAN bus network. Easy to install, the Evolution autopilot uses simple Dock- side Wizard and Automagic calibration. www.raymarine.com / www.FLIR.com Scania 16-liter V8 EPA Tier 3 Engine ScaniaÕs powerful 16-liter V8 EPA Tier 3 engine, intended for propul- sion and auxiliary use, is based on ScaniaÕs new state-of-the- art modu- lar engine platform. Engineered to produce incredible power, while maintaining a size that is compatible for auxiliary equip- ment, the V design reduces the overall length of the engine which also makes for easy installation. Most repairs and servicing can be carried out by a single service technician. The output ratings for ScaniaÕs 16-liter marine propulsion engine ranges from 550 Ð 900 hp, with outputs between 550 Ð 1000 hp in international and exempt markets. www.scaniausa.com Bel-Ray Biodegradable Wire Rope Grease Bel-Ray Biodegradable Wire Rope Coat- ing Grease is a highly biodegradable and adhesive wire rope lubricant and protectant designed for use in the most extreme envi- ronments. Using a seed-oil based, organo clay-thickened grease, this revolutionary product can be applied to wire ropes and cables either manually or using clamp type pressure appli- cators. Readily biodegradable, including >80% renewable bio-based components, Biodegradable Wire Rope Coat- ing Grease, is >60% biodegradable in 28 days according to ASTM D5864 (similar to OECD 301B). Its no-sheen formula also passes the 60-minute EPA Static Sheen Test. www.belray.com www.marinelink.com MN 53MN November2013 Layout 50-58.indd 53MN November2013 Layout 50-58.indd 5310/28/2013 1:08:17 PM10/28/2013 1:08:17 PM