Page 56: of Marine News Magazine (November 2013)
Fleet Optimization Roundtable
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PRODUCTSBirns Develops New ABS CertiÞ ed Optical Penetrators BIRNS, Inc. recently developed a set of ABS certiÞ ed Þ ber optic pen- etrators for a manned submersible. BIRNS, an ISO 9001:2008 certiÞ ed developer of high performance con- nectors, custom cable assemblies, penetrators and lighting systems for the subsea market, engineered the exclusive penetrator design that included six single mode optical Þ -bers. The robust penetrators were custom overmolded in BIRNSÕ NAVSEA PRO-020 certiÞ ed molding facility, and feature low insertion loss of < .2dB and high return loss of >35dB. ABS worked with BIRNS to develop rules for witnessing the testing of the new design. www.birns.com STAUFF Hydraulic Tester Simulates Operating Conditions The SDMKR reversible ß ow device by STAUFF rapidly and accurately monitors hydraulic components. The design allows si- multaneous measurement of ß ow, pressure, and temperature, allowing personnel to deter- mine the performance of pumps, motors, valves, or cylin- ders, as well as complete systems. The portable ß ow devic- es can be installed in both pressure and return lines. Two integrated burst discs act as an internal safety mechanism, effectively protecting the device against accidental over- pressure. When the maximum pressure in the hydraulic system is exceeded, the discs break and the oil is trans- ported through a bypass. www.stauffusa.com BevelmachinesÕ Inside Diameter Tracker The Copier Bevelmachines factory and engineering department designs and manufactures pipe Þ nishing ma- chinery; primarily stationary pipe bevel machines. Located in The Neth- erlands, 95% of its market is export, more than 70% of the export is out- side the EU. The stationary pipe bevel machines are manu- factured in different types; all together they cover the range up to 48 inch OD. Building pipe bevelmachines with ex- cellent price for value balance compared to the competi- tion, one of the most sold machines is the Beaver 16S, in the range from 2.5 inch to 16 inch. www.bevelmachines.com Norton NortZon Plus wheels Norton Abrasives has introduced an upgrade of their BEST-tier depressed center wheels for right angle grinding applications. Norton NorZon Plus wheels utilize a proprietary blend of NortonÕs patented, newest generation SG ceramic alumina and Norton Blue- FireTM zirconia alumina abrasives, combined with a new high performance bond system for signiÞ cantly improved grain micro-fracturing. The new Norton NorZon Plus line has also been expanded with the introduction of Norton NorZon Plus Fast Cut Depressed Center Wheels, which provide the fastest material removal in the industry. Nor- Zon Plus wheels are U.S. invented and built. www.nortonabrasives.com Boatracs Debuts AIS Maritime Application Boatracs BTConnect AIS (Automatic IdentiÞ cation System) extends the func- tionality of BTConnect, the most widely used vessel tracking and ß eet management software in the U.S. commercial maritime market, by in- tegrating real time messaging and vessel tracking with AIS data on a single display. The AIS Man Overboard (MOB) Alarm NotiÞ cation System, a joint solution development effort between Boatracs and Orolia sister company Mc- Murdo, is an innovative safety solution that enables distress signals from McMurdoÕs SmartÞ nd MOB AIS beacons to be displayed on BTConnect software for accelerated emer- gency response. www.boatracs.com / www.mcmurdomarine.com Furuno Shatters $1,000 Price Point Furuno has announced a price reduction for both the GP1670F and GP1870F GPS/Chart Plotter/Fish Finder Com- bo models. The GP1870F now has a MSRP price of $995, while the GP1670F is listed at $695. Both the GP1670F and GP1870F incorporate FurunoÕs professional-grade Þ sh Þ nding technology, a hi-accuracy GPS Receiver and full-featured C-Map Chart Plotter. Boasting a long list of advanced features, such as Bottom Discrimination, Accu- Fish, C-Map 4D Charts, Internal GPS, and a powerful 600W/1KW Fish Finder, this is the best overall product value Furuno has ever presented to the market. www.FurunoUSA.com November 201356 MNMN November2013 Layout 50-58.indd 56MN November2013 Layout 50-58.indd 5610/28/2013 1:08:59 PM10/28/2013 1:08:59 PM