Page 55: of Marine News Magazine (November 2013)
Fleet Optimization Roundtable
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PRODUCTSVGP-Compliant Lubricants from Panolin With nearly 30 years expe- rience in producing environ- mentally-considerate lubricants, PANOLIN offers its VGP- compliant Greenmarine prod- ucts to help operators meet EPA requirements. Not a newcomer on the market, PANOLIN Greenmarine lubricants use fully saturated synthetic esters and specially developed additives to achieve 100% VGP and sVGP compliance without sacriÞ cing performance. The range includes hydraulic ß uids, gear oil and production line control ß uids, as well as lubricants for stern tubes, gear boxes, cables and sliding parts. By decreasing the frequency of oil changes and enhancing operating efÞ ciency, Greenmarine products reduce CO2 emissions. www.panolinamerica.com EIVA launches high-quality winch product range The OceanEnviro product range of winches for survey and deployment operations is now a potential item on orders placed by EIVAÕs customers. As of October 2013, the winches will car- ry EIVAÕs logo and the name Ocean- Enviro, as the company launches its own range of winches for survey and deployment in con- nection with oceanographic and hydrographic operations. OceanEnviro is designed in collaboration with winch- specialist Sepro Technology AS. The product range offers cable lengths ranging from 600 to 2,700 meters, drum diameters from 250 to 480 millimeters, and motor power from 1.5 to 10.4 kW. www.eiva.com Sea Catch Spring Safety Pin Sea Catch quick releases can now be Þ tted with a Spring Safety Pin (SSP) that allows users to eject the pin from a distance and do so using the re- lease lanyard. The Þ rst pull on the lanyard removes the R-clip from the pin and a com- pression spring ejects the pin which is Þ rmly tethered to the body. The second pull activates the release lever to re- lease the object or item under load. This option is clearly most useful on models TR3 to TR10. www.seacatch.com Caterpillar Relaunches Renowned Cat 3406C Caterpillar Marine Power Systems is relaunching one of the most successful marine engine platforms in its history. The Cat 3406C marine propulsion engine will enter production in late 2013, providing customers in lesser regulated countries, including Latin America and Asia, with an economical, dependable solution for their commercial marine vessels. The mechanically governed 3406C propulsion engine will be available in ratings of 272 bkW @ 1800 rpm and 298 bkW @ 1800 rpm. The engine is ideal for small offshore, inland waterways and commercial Þ shing applications. http://marine.cat.com/news-events Powershark Tool Eats through Biofouling Serious bio-fouling removal calls for a serious tool. The PowerShark WB3000, a powerful new rechargeable, submers- ible handheld tool from Waveblade, Inc., removes barnacles and other unwanted growth in seconds. It delivers a new level of efÞ ciency and safety for shallow dive maintenance work on hulls and ma- rine structures, and works equally as well for land-based projects. The PowerShark capitalizes on a patented reso- nant wave technology. Oscillating at a 3,000 rpm frequency with additional harmonics, the toolÕs cleaning head actually breaks the chemical bond between materials. In the process, even the most stubborn fouling falls away without damag- ing underlying surfaces. The completely waterproof tool op- erates both on land and underwater, with a 20Õ depth rating. www.waveblade.com Hella Shines Spotlight on Commercial Lighting The recently released Commercial Ves- sel Lighting catalog from Hella marine of- fers operators a closer look at the compa-nyÕs products. HellaÕs advanced transport lighting utilizes the latest LED technol- ogy. The Commercial Vessel Lighting list- ing outlines the advantages of LED prod- ucts for commercial vessels. Hella illumination provides efÞ ciency while improving crew safety. All Hella marine lights, including the NaviLED PRO and DuraLed heavy duty lamps, offer outstanding UV and impact resistance, electromagnetic compatibility, an IP67 rating and a Þ ve- year warranty. Tables and diagrams assist in choosing the best products for each need. www.hellamarine.com www.marinelink.com MN 55MN November2013 Layout 50-58.indd 55MN November2013 Layout 50-58.indd 5510/28/2013 1:08:40 PM10/28/2013 1:08:40 PM