Page 54: of Marine News Magazine (May 2015)
Offshore Annual
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St. Lawrence Seaway Corporation Anderson Sutton
Mississippi and Alabama. A total of ports in the Great Lakes St. Law- vessels will be the world’s ? rst lique- 42 offshore energy companies submit- rence Seaway System are receiving the ? ed natural gas (LNG) powered con- ted 195 bids on 169 tracts, covering prestigious Robert J. Lewis Paceset- tainerships and dedicated solely to the about 923,700 acres. Lease Sale 235 ter Award for registering increases in Puerto Rico trade. Tim Nolan, Presi- builds on the ? rst six sales held under international cargo tonnage shipped dent of Sea Star Line, stated: “We rec- the Obama Administration’s Outer through their ports during the 2014 ognize the void left by the departure
Continental Shelf Oil and Gas Leas- navigation season compared to the of Horizon Lines and it is Sea Star’s ing Program for 2012-2017 (Five Year previous year. These include the Port goal to support the demands of the
Program) that offered more than 60 of Indiana - Burns Harbor, the Port of Puerto Rico market.” million acres for development, gar- Erie, the Port of Duluth-Superior, the
Austal Earns SCA Safety Award nered $2.4 billion in bid revenues and Port of Milwaukee, the Port of Cleve-
Austal USA has been noti? ed by awarded 877 leases. land, the Port of Toledo, and the Port of Oswego. SLSDC Administrator the Shipbuilders Council of America (SCA) that it has earned the 2014
Seaway Opens 57th
Betty Sutton said, “Marine transpor-
Navigation Season tation remains a catalyst for jobs and SCA Award for Improvement in
The St. Lawrence Seaway Manage- productivity for the local economies Safety. According to the noti? cation ment Corporation (SLSMC), together where these ports are situated and signed by Ian Bennett, SCA Manager with the U.S. Saint Lawrence Seaway throughout the Great Lakes region.” of Government Affairs, “SCA awards
Development Corporation, marked this honor to shipyard members with the opening of the Seaway’s 57th navi- a 10% or more year-on-year reduc-
Sea Star Line Adds Barge to gation season on April 2nd, with the
Puerto Rican Routes tion of their total recordable incidents transit of the newly-built CWB Mar- Sea Star Line, LLC has added an- rates (TRIR).” SCA is a national trade quis through the St. Lambert Lock. other barge to its current service pack- association that represents 41 compa-
The vessel is the ? rst of two Equinox- age for shipments from Jacksonville to nies that own and operate over 120 class lakers ordered by Winnipeg-based Puerto Rico. The new asset has the ca- shipyards, with facilities on all three grain marketer CWB that are being pacity for 320 dry units and its initial U.S. coasts, the Great Lakes, the in- purpose-built for trade in the St. Law- departure was set for the ? rst week of land waterways system, Alaska and rence Seaway. In 2014, over 12 million April. In January, Sea Star Line added Hawaii. In 16 of the last 17 years, tons of grain moved through the Sea- two barges to address increased de-
SCA’s average TRIR has been more way. Over 227,000 jobs and $35 bil- mand in the market. The total capac- than 20% below the industry aver- lion in economic activity are supported ity for both barges is 750 FEUs with age. The safety data Austal provided by the movement of various cargoes on dedicated space for 84 refrigerated to SCA contributed to one of SCA’s the Great Lakes / Seaway System. containers. In October, Sea Star Line lowest TRIR averages ever.
will deploy the ? rst of two Marlin
SLSDC Announces 2014
Ice Hinders Great Lakes March class vessels with a capacity of 3100
Pacesetter Awards
Ore ? oat
TEUs. Each vessel will accommodate
The U.S. Saint Lawrence Seaway 268 refrigerated containers with ex-
Shipments of iron ore on the Great
Development Corporation (SLSDC) pansion capabilities to handle up to Lakes totaled an anemic 800,000 tons in March announced that seven U.S. 350 refrigerated containers. The new in March, the lowest level for the
May 2015
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