Page 56: of Marine News Magazine (September 2016)
Offshore Annual
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Christian Watson Broom Kuriyama Doyne
Pyne & Ingram Pesce
Company director. Kuriyama is the Ex-
New Orleans Port COO Silver Bell Awards Honor ecutive Chairman of Alexander & Bald-
Elected to Green Marine BoD Leadership, Courage
Green Marine, an environmental certi- win, Inc. Prior to joining Alexander & Celebrating the maritime connection es- ? cation program for the North Ameri- Baldwin, Mr. Kuriyama was a partner sential to modern-day life, SCI’s annual can marine industry, elected Port of in the law ? rm of Cades Schutte Flem- awards ceremony lauded the contribu-
New Orleans Chief Operating Of? cer ing & Wright, specializing in real estate tions made by persons who strengthen
Brandy Christian to its Board of Di- and real estate ? nancing. He is a 1977 the bonds of community and camarade- rectors during its annual conference graduate of Harvard Law School. rie. This year’s Silver Bell Awards Dinner last month. The Port earned its ? rst en- raised over $800,000 for the Institute’s
Broom is Danos’ Shell vironmental certi? cation with Green programs and services for mariners.
Account Manager
Marine in May of 2015 and was the At the event, SCI honored Joseph H.
Danos has hired Tom Broom as ex- 8th U.S. port to achieve the milestone. Pyne, Chairman of Kirby Corporation ecutive account manager, responsible with the Silver Bell Award for his service for overseeing and maintaining Danos’ to the maritime industry throughout an
Hatteras Yachts names long-term relationship with Shell. In extensive and extraordinary career. Or-
Watson COO
Hatteras/Cabo Yachts, LLC has an- 2015, Broom retired from Shell after rin H. Ingram II, Chairman of Ingram nounced that Wade Watson has a 35-year-career, most recently serving Barge Company and former Silver Bell joined the company as chief operating as director of coastal issues for Shell honoree, called Pyne “a leader among of? cer. Wade will oversee daily opera- Exploration & Production Company. leaders in the maritime industry.” tions at Hatteras’ manufacturing plant
Doyne named Little Rock Navigators Welcomes in New Bern, NC, with a focus on
Port Board Chairman Pesce to Surety Department improving manufacturing operations.
With more than 20 years of manufac- The Little Rock Port Authority Board Navigators Management Company has turing, aftermarket, quality control of Directors elected Dexter Doyne hired David Pesce to launch a new Con- and management experience, Wade to the position of chairman replacing tract and Commercial Surety Depart- has a proven track record in achieving Chris Mathews. The Board also elect- ment. Pesce will initially focus on contract improvements in manufacturing ef? - ed Melissa Hendrix as Vice Chair and and commercial surety in the small and ciencies and product quality. Frank D. Scott, Jr. as Treasurer. Doyne middle market segments as well as envi- was ? rst appointed to the Little Rock ronmental surety. Pesce joins Navigators
Port Authority in the summer of 2010. from AXIS Insurance where he led the
Kuriyama Appointed To
He served as the Board’s vice-chairman surety division. A Certi? ed Construction
Matson BoD
The Board of Directors of Matson for the past two years and earned a BA Industry Financial Professional (CCIFP),
Mr. Pesce holds a bachelor’s degree in has appointed Stanley Kuriyama as a from San Francisco State University.
Mathematics from Lafayette College.
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September 2016
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