Page 57: of Marine News Magazine (September 2016)
Offshore Annual
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Yale Cordage’s Application- Harrington Hoists ½ Ton
Hand Chain Hoist speci? c Cordage
Harrington Hoists’
Yale Cordage’s application-speci? c
CX005 mini hand synthetics are known for durability chain hoist is com- and safety, but until recently, many pact and has a rated shipyards needed wire for their 2 capacity of ½ Ton heaviest lifts. The Fortis Sling ad- and is the second dresses this need with a capacity of model in their line up to 275 vertical tons in a sling 80% of smallest and light- lighter than a comparable wire sling. weight hand chain
From vessels to shipyard work, the
JK Fabrication’s hoists. Available with
Specialty Winches
Fortis2 Sling brings safety, durability 10 or 20 foot of lift, and ef? ciency to any heavy project. JK Fabrication recently received a www.yalecordage.com/fortis2sling it also includes a load strong recommendation for the JK limiter, a metal chain 20-15-RB anchor winches working guide for durability, aboard a DNR research barge. The an aluminum body winches ful? ll a mooring mission with steel frame and on the barge, each developing 1,120 grade 100 nickel- pounds of line pull bare drum, at 67 plated load chain. feet per minute hauling speed. The www.harrington- drum accommodates 450’ of 5/8” hoists.com wire rope, or 50’ of 5/8” chain. www.jkfabrication.com
Reliability: Cranston-Eagle
Hoists & Cranes –
Marine Hooks
The Captains of Industry
JDN hoists and cranes, available The most dangerous element of de- with lifting capacities up to 100 met- ploying small craft is the uninten- ric tons, move loads reliably and with tional releasing of the hook. Delta precision. They are in use in more “T” Systems, and its sister company than 70 different commercial sec- Delta “P” Subsea Systems, are agents tors, including oil and gas, and the for Cranston-Eagle Marine Off-Load
DMW Marine Group Cranes marine industry. With JDN Global Hooks in the Americas. The off-load
DMW Marine Group has increased Service it is possible to diagnose, ? nd design means that Cranston-Eagle their focus on the workboat indus- a solution and ? x the problem, in hooks will not open when a load is try over the past year. DMW Ma- any remote corner of the world. hanging from them. The companies www.jdngroup.com rine Group is headquartered outside perform the required ? ve-year load of Philadelphia and has specialized testing and recerti? cation.
www.deltatsystems.com in designing, engineering, manufac- turing and distributing special ap- plication marine cranes since 1995.
Pricing, lead time and parts avail- ability have allowed DMW Marine
Group to separate themselves from the competition, in the workboat industry in particular. www.dmwmarinegroup.com 57 www.marinelink.com MN
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