Page 58: of Marine News Magazine (September 2016)
Offshore Annual
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Hendriksen’s Electronically
Controlled Lift Hook System
Henriksen Hooks’ electrically con- trolled lifting hook system that has been developed to increase the safety of boat crews. When a boat is being launched by use of fore and aft lifting hooks which must be re- leased simultaneously once the boat
Load Test Software Produces is on the water, the HHSRT em-
Certi? cation Onsite
Mercury Marine SeaPro ploys an electrically powered system
New software from Straightpoint FourStroke Outboard that opens and closes the hooks, will add speed, accuracy and breadth Mercury Marine’s family of SeaPro eliminating the danger of one hook to data recording and certi? cation FourStroke outboard engines are the being opened before another. related to non-destructive load veri- perfect match for high-hour applica- www.hhenriksen.com ? cation or proof load testing. Proof tions and harsh environments. Mer-
Test plus records data gathered by a cury’s new 40hp and 60hp SeaPro
Radiolink plus load cell, load shack- FourStroke engines complement le or compression load cell. It then the current 75, 90, 115, and 150hp creates a pass or fail certi? cate that SeaPro FourStroke engines that were includes test data and graphs chart- released in 2015 and have accumu- ing data from the load versus time lated thousands of hours in com- throughout a test. mercial markets around the world. www.straightpoint.com www.mercurymarine.com
Cox Powertrain’s Marine
Diesel Outboard
Cox Powertrain is developing a pio- neering new outboard motor, the
CXO300. This completely new concept diesel engine, providing gasoline outboard performance, with diesel economy and reliability,
Van der Velden Retractable is a revolutionary opposed-piston,
Flanking Rudder for Pushboats diesel outboard designed speci? cally
Damen’s Optima Nozzle The retractable ? anking rudder sys- for professional marine users. De- for Inland Shipping tem is an in-house innovation of Van livering 300hp and weighing only
The Damen Optima Nozzle is a der Velden Marine Systems (VD- 300kg, it is designed for commercial, propeller nozzle developed and VMS). Flanking rudders are often government manufactured by subsidiary Damen used for inland river tow boats. To and military
Marine Components (DMC). The operate the ? anking rudder lift units, applications,
Damen Optima yields the most ben- 2 HDMI touch screens (retractable where perfor- e? ts for inland shipping operators. ? anking rudder operation and con- mance, dura-
DMC designed the Damen Optima trol system RET2700) are installed. A bility and fuel – a nozzle with a slightly longer and proprietary follow up steering system ef? ciency are higher intake and a propeller posi- operates rudders independently and paramount. tioned just aft of the centre line – to one FU2700 steering lever operates www.coxma- increase performance even further. three main rudders synchronized. rine.com www.damen.com www.vanderdvelden-marinesystems.com
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