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Offshore Annual
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Web: www.alliedsystems.com/crane/
Contact E-mail: [email protected]
For four decades, Allied Marine monogram to products under the
Crane has designed and manufac- API Q1 quality system. Allied designs tured the highest quality cranes, and manufactures to standards that davits and handling systems for the include ABS, Lloyd’s Register, DNV, commercial workboat, salvage, gov- USCG, SOLAS, IMO, ASME, CFR ernment, rescue boat launch/recov- and CCS. Allied provides full lifecy- ery, oceanographic research and off- cle support from design, installation, shore industries. Allied holds API training, maintenance, rebuilds, to certi? cation to apply the Spec 2C complete overhaul.
Cranston Eagle Marine
Off-Load Hooks
Web: www.deltatsystems.com
Contact E-mail: [email protected]
The Cranston Eagle line of ma- many of which carry USCG/SO- rine off-load hooks are a favorite LAS certifications. Load capacities of commercial vessels around the range from two to twelve tons and world. Simple design compliment- all hook models prove their designs ed by all stainless steel construction by undergoing a load test at six provides robust, reliable marine times their weight ratings. Service service. The product line includes and load testing is performed in the cable and boat mounted models, U.S. by Delta T Systems.
Web: www.elephantlifting.com
Contact E-mail: [email protected]
Elephant Lifting Products introduc- these products, we can offer the equip- es the world’s highest quality manufac- ment with ATEX EX spark resistant tured manual chain hoists, lever hoists, ratings. Elephant Lifting Products is electric chain hoists, pneumatic hoists proud to be family owned and oper- & winches, hydraulic hoists, specialty ated, with our stocking warehouse in clamps, and trolleys. In addition to Gonzales, Louisiana USA.
September 2017
MN 50