Page 55: of Marine Technology Magazine (September 2012)

Subsea Defense: Protecting Port & Subsea

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water acoustic positioning system, for Rowan?s third new ultra-deepwater drillship. The vessel will be constructed at Hyundai Heavy Industries shipyard in Ulsan, Korea and will be based on a Hyundai Gusto P1000 design. It is scheduled for completion in Q4 2014. This is the third order that Nautronix have received for the Rowan  eet; for their NASDrill RS925 system, following on from vessels one and two. NASDrill RS925 combines Short Baseline (SBL) and Long Baseline (LBL) to calculate multiple independent position solutions providing reliable, repeatable input to the vessel DP system; with SBL mode providing accuracies of 0.15% slant range and LBL mode providing accuracies up to 1m RMS indepen- dent of water depth. Hine: Tech Pioneer ?13 Liquid Robotics said that Roger Hine, Liquid Robotics co-founder and CTO, was named as one of the World Economic Fo- rum?s twenty-three Tech- nology Pioneers for 2013. Roger Hine?s invention of the Wave Glider, the  rst autonomous marine robot designed to operate solely on renewable ener- gies (wave and solar power), was selected based on its ability to revolutionize the way the world monitors, explores and operates in our oceans. ?I am incredibly honored and proud of the collec-tive achievement of the Liquid Robotics team,? said Hine, Technology Pioneer and CTO. ?Our custom- ers seek to improve scienti c understanding, protect our environment, and forecast the behavior of com- plex, interconnected planetary systems that impact our lives. To do this they need widespread, continuous ocean data collection. What better way to monitor our vast oceans than with intelligent mobile devices that consume no fuel, and have no crew?? Wave Glider products and ocean data services are used across a broad array of scienti c, oil & gas and defense applications. These applications include: tracking Great White Sharks along the coast of Cali- fornia, monitoring Atlantic hurricane and Paci c ty- phoon intensity, measuring water quality in the Gulf of Mexico, and providing real time observations and communications for ocean operations around the world. MTR #7 (50-64).indd 55MTR #7 (50-64).indd 559/10/2012 10:18:59 AM9/10/2012 10:18:59 AM

Marine Technology

Marine Technology Reporter is the world's largest audited subsea industry publication serving the offshore energy, subsea defense and scientific communities.