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Ocean Observation: Gliders, Buoys & Sub-Surface monitoring Networks

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The international Oceans conference is a major forum for scientists, engineers and those with an interest in the oceans to gather and exchange their knowledge and ideas regarding the future of the world?s oceans. Jointly sponsored by the IEEE Oceanic Engineering Society (IEEE/OES) and the Marine Technol- ogy Society (MTS), Oceans 2013 is scheduled for September 21-26, mark-ing the show?s seventh return to San Di- ego, where participants from more than 45 countries are expected to attend this year?s event at the Town and Country Resort hotel and conference center. Addressing this year?s theme, ?An Ocean in Common,? Industry leaders will share their perspectives on past, present and future ocean initiatives. Key speakers include UCSD Chancellor Dr. Pradeep Khosla, Oceans Advocate Dr. Sylvia Earle, and Dr. Greg Kusin- ski, DeepStar Director, Chevron Energy Technology Company. The technical program, which runs Tuesday-Thursday, comprises of 23 sessions, including ships-to-reefs, ultra-deep exploration, international business, San Diego maritime history and tech- nology transfer. The show?s exhibition will include a diverse selection of more than 200 booths representing many areas of in- dustry, academia, nonpro t and govern- ment agencies. Exhibitors range from electronics and technology companies to equipment manufacturers and envi- ronmental activists. A list exhibitors are featured on the facing page. Numerous special events compliment more than 450 technical and scienti c presentations, papers and posters. The conference will kick off with the Oceans ?13 San Diego Underwater Film Festi- val, presented by the San Diego Un- derwater Photographic Society Sunday (9/22) and Monday (9/23) nights at 7 p.m. in the Town and Country Conven- tion Center. Both nights will feature ap- proximately 16 different  lms, each less than  ve minutes in length, covering topics such sharks, ocean pollution and Antarctica.Other conference activities provide op- portunities for attendees to connect with peers. On the conference schedule are a golf tournament, award luncheon, ROV competition and banquet aboard the USS Midway aircraft carrier docked in San Diego Bay. Full registration includes access to ex- hibits, technical sessions and all social functions. There are three ways to reg- ister for the Oceans conference: as cor- responding author; as attendee (includ-ing non-corresponding authors) and as exhibitor. The plenary session and exhibit halls are free, but registration is required. Tu- torials can be attended without register- ing for the full conference. Those who want to attend a tutorial, but not regis- tering for the full conference, or have already registered but want to add a tu- torial, must proceed through the online registration process, selecting the tuto- rial only, but not an attendee registration category. For additional information or questions regarding registration, Email [email protected], or visit: Oceans 2013 Preview Oceans 2013 Set for San Diego September 201380 MTRMTR #7 (66-81).indd 80MTR #7 (66-81).indd 808/23/2013 9:16:07 AM8/23/2013 9:16:07 AM

Marine Technology

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