Page 36: of Marine Technology Magazine (March 2014)
Instrumentation: Measurement, Process & Analysis
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the SATs and training conÞ rmed the vehicle performance and suitability for MCM search, location and identiÞ cation missions. The vehicles were supplied through Enamor Ltd. (Gdynia, Poland), Teledyne GaviaÕs ofÞ cial representative in Poland. Enamor is a research and pro-duction company focused on new tech- nology and active in many projects in Poland in the Þ elds of navigation, com- munication, hydrography and automa-tion. The Gavia Defense AUV has a low- logistics, fully modular design. This facilitates rapid transport and mainte- nance, and is designed to increase op-erational availability and reliability. Each Gavia can also be equipped with a variety of additional sensor modules. This creates an asset which can be con-Þ gured for MCM, search and salvage or hydrography missions, without needing to be dedicated to just one task. In the future, the AUVs delivered in Poland can be equipped with modules for multi-beam bathymetry, sub-bottom proÞ ling or even submarine emulator sonar train- ing targets. This contract marks the Þ rst purchase of AUVs for MCM by the Armed Forces of Poland. The knowledge gained from operating the Gavia AUVs will help de- velop the concept of use of AUVs in the Polish maritime theatre. SigniÞ cant ben- eÞ ts are expected from a low-logistics AUV asset that can carry out both MCM and hydrography missions.ROVOP Starts 2014 with Growth ROVOP has expanded its ß eet of re- motely operated vehicles (ROVs) by taking delivery of four new hydraulic work class systems with a further four new ROVs expected later in the year. The company has invested $20 million in the four hydraulic Schilling HD work class ROVs, which were delivered dur- ing January, and is working to grow its offshore team by 50 to 110. ROVOP has also invested in its own ROV simulator for its in-house Acade- my in order to further develop the train- ing and competence of its offshore staff. Addressing the talent shortage in the subsea industry, the Academy seeks to build skill and competence in offshore personnel whatever their current career level. The $350,000 simulator enables ROV pilots to hone their skills onshore, in physics-accurate conditions.Headquartered in Westhill, Aberdeen- shire, ROVOP is an independent compa- ny which is 100% focused on providing ROVs and services to the oil and gas and offshore wind industries. The companyÕs latest ROVs have been manufactured by FMC Schilling Robotics and were put through their paces during acceptance testing by the ROVOP team. The ROVs are equipped with the latest Hammerhead control sys-tem, which gives pilots the ability to use an increased suite of auto functions, in-cluding automated manipulator control. The systems are designed around the 60-minute repair philosophy, which is unique to Schilling work class ROVs, and Þ tted with the latest Teledyne CDL TOGS-NAV (Tiny Optical Gyro System for navigation) technology unit which combines DVL, Fiber Optic Gyro and depth sensors in one compact package to provide maximum ROV control for safe and efÞ cient working. Steven Gray, ROVOPÕs managing di- rector, said, ÒROVOP enjoyed strong business growth in 2013 and this is set to continue in 2014. In order to deliver the best in class service, we are continu-ing to invest in the latest and most ad- vanced equipment on the market, staffed by the best people, to ensure we are at the forefront of technology, reliability and competence. ÒDelivery of the highest quality of service is enabled by our secure inter- net accessible management system. The system, which has now also achieved ISO 9001 certiÞ cation, ensures the busi- ness operates as robustly and effectively as possible, with considerable cost sav- ings for both ROVOP and our clients.Ó Steven Gray, ROVOPs, MD. The company has invested $20m in the 4 hydraulic Schilling HD work class ROVs. Vehicle Technology March 2014 36 MTRMTR #2 (34-49).indd 36MTR #2 (34-49).indd 362/25/2014 1:58:48 PM2/25/2014 1:58:48 PM