Page 84: of Marine Technology Magazine (March 2014)
Instrumentation: Measurement, Process & Analysis
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OI 2014 Technology Preview Oceanology International Technology Preview 2G Engineering2G Engineering offers a full range of electric subsea rotary and linear actuator systems. These units are unique in that they are fully self contained requiring nothing more than power and a digital or analog control signal to operate. 2G is excited to introduce two new prod- ucts, it?s Mini Rotary Actuator with an output rotational force of 1000 ft. lbs. and it?s Subsea Hydraulic Pressure Unit capable of 5000 PSI with 0.5 GPM ow. All units are capable of operating depths greater than 10000 ft.? 4H JENA 4H- JENA engineering GmbH has a large and diverse portfolio. It develops systems to monitor physical and biolog-ical-chemical water parameters in close consultation with our customers. It puts emphasis on autonomous measurement systems equipped with anti-fouling pro-cedures to ensure high quality data for a long-term operation. Its spectrum ranges from small low-power ow-through sys- tems, FerryBoxes and complex seawater supply systems on research vessels to mesocosms and underwater nodes. To comply the requirements of the water framework directive automated litter, plankton and passive sampler have been developed. AML OceanographicAML Oceanographic (AML) has part-nered with OSIL to offer Xchange sensor recalibration services at OSIL?s facilities in the U.K. With a European recalibration center, eld-swappable sensor-heads become even more con- venient for European users of oceano- graphic instrumentation. OSIL is ex- pected to begin accepting Xchange sensor-heads for recalibration by March 1, 2014. AML?s Xchange line is a series of eld-swappable sensor-heads. Each sensor-head contains its own embed- ded calibration, allowing the sensor to work with any AML instrument. Field- swappable sensors also streamline reca- libration: instead of sending the entire instrument back to a calibration center, a recalibrated sensor-head can be deliv- ered to the instrument in the eld. Instrument downtime is dramatically reduced. Established in 1974, AML Oceanographic (www.amloceano- graphic.com) designs and manufactures innovative instruments for the ocean sensing market. AML is headquartered in Victoria, on Canada?s Paci c coast. OSIL (www.osil.co.uk) provides marine instruments and systems for environ- mental measurement and monitoring. OSIL also provides a range of high pre- cision calibration standards for measur- ing salinity including IAPSO Standard Seawater, Low Nutrient Seawater and Iodate Standards. OSIL is located in Ha-vant, near Portsmouth. Amron International Amron International has developed the Model 8330i, an integrated air control, depth monitoring (pneumo) and option-al communication unit for up to 3 sur- face-supplied divers. Designed to meet the IMCA guideline that ?no other diver is deprived of breathing gas if another diver?s umbilical is cut or ruptured,? the Model 8330i features independent high- and low-pressure air supplies for all 3 divers. The inclusion of crossover valves between the 3 air supplies, each of which has been designed by Amron to safely accommodate up to 3 divers by itself at one time, provides dual backups in the event of an emergency affecting 1 or 2 divers, such as air supply contami- nation or failure. In addition to the air control section, the Model 8330i features a pneumo panel with 6-in. depth gauges capable of reg- istering depths up to 250FSW/76MSW and an optional panel-mounted version of Amron?s Amcom III radio module for diver communication. The unit is en- tirely self-contained and is housed in a durable, pressure-fused berglass case. Caley Ocean SystemsCaley Ocean Systems is a supplier of offshore handling systems for ocean sci- ence and oceanographic research. It sup-plies high speci cation A-Frame, single point lift, launch and recovery systems for manned submersibles and Conduc-This month the global subsea community gathers in London for Oceanology International 2014. MTR examines new technology set to debut. 4H JENAAmron Model 8330iMarch 2014 84 MTRMTR #2 (82-96).indd 84MTR #2 (82-96).indd 842/22/2014 2:17:55 PM2/22/2014 2:17:55 PM