Page 86: of Marine Technology Magazine (March 2014)
Instrumentation: Measurement, Process & Analysis
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Oceanology International Technology Preview systems for bathymetry, and offers the full-waveform CZMIL, a system for seamless depth accuracy in both clear and turbid conditions. Currently there are Þ ve in use by government agen- cies. Leveraging the comprehensive HydroFusion planning and automated processing workß ow, CZMIL produces simultaneous bathymetry, water column characterization, object detection, and seaß oor classiÞ cation. CZMIL is the only system actively producing seam- less land-to-water 3D data and imagery, performing well even in shallow turbid or muddy bottom waters. Remote Ocean SystemsThe new C600 color zoom camera puts you in control. Its user-selectable SD and HD functionality offers great ß ex- ibility and value. Key features and speciÞ cations include: 30x optical zoom; 4,500 meter depth rating; Titanium housing; 66¡ Þ eld of view (diagonal) in water at full wide; angle zoom level; Field replaceable con- nector available for analog conÞ gurations; and Water corrected hemispherical viewport, among others. Rockland ScientiÞ c Inc. At OI 2014 Rockland ScientiÞ c show- cases various applications of its versa- tile MicroRider Turbulence Instrument. This modular sensor payload can be in-tegrated with a wide variety of autono- mous or moored platforms, such as glid-ers, AUVs or Wirewalkers. MicroRider is on display at Teledyne Marine, stand D100, or at Rockland ScientiÞ c, stand P200. Rockland ScientiÞ c develops and manufactures instruments for the mea- surement turbulence in oceans, rivers, lakes and laboratories. Applications for RSI sensing technology are in climate research, ocean renewables, pollutant dispersal, Þ sheries, and security. Rockland ScientiÞ c has been awarded a contract to deliver a VMP-250 Tur- bulence ProÞ ler to the University of Bergen, Norway. The VMP-250 system includes a buoyancy collar and remote- controlled weight release mechanism, allowing the proÞ ler to be operated in an uprising conÞ guration. Rowe Technologies, Inc. Rowe Technologies, Inc. (RTI) devel- ops and manufactures advanced ADCPs and DVLs in the industry. RTIÕs state- of-the-art electronics design combined with advanced acoustic transducer tech- nology provide ADCPs and DVLs that are robust, compact and ß exible. Rowe has a wide variety of products for use in real-time or self-contained applications capable of handling conditions from shallow water to full ocean depth. SBG Systems SBG Systems released the Ekinox Sub-sea Series, a product family of survey- grade inertial systems designed for un-derwater applications Ð up to 6,000 m. Based on the robust and cost-effective MEMS technology, the series includes the Ekinox-M, a Motion Reference Unit (MRU), and the Ekinox-U, an underwa- ter Inertial Navigation System (INS). The Ekinox Subsea Series integrates the latest MEMS sensors to offer robust, small-sized, cost-effective, but high per- formance MRU & INS. Ekinox outputs survey-grade roll, pitch and heading (0.05¡) at a high update rate, making it compliant with IHO stan-dards. To obtain the most accurate and reliable navigation data, the internal Ex- tended Kalman Filter fuses in real-time inertial and aiding information (DVL, RTK GPS, etc.). All collected data are recorded in the 8 GB data logger. Silicon SensingSilicon Sensing specializes in the de-velopment and manufacture of MEMS gyros, accelerometers and IMUs suit-able for a wide range of applications in the marine industry. The latest high performance single-axis MEMS gyros; CRH01 and CRS39, have outstanding drift characteristics which render them suitable as small, low-cost alternatives to larger and more expensive FOG gy- ros. Gemini dual-axis surface mount MEMS accelerometers offer excellent bias stability and are available in both ß at and orthogonal packages, and in Þ ve different dynamic ranges from ±0.85g to ±96g. Typical applications include pre- cise ship positioning systems, stability control, guidance and navigation. Seamor MarineSEAMOR Marine designs and manufac- tures the subsea SEAMOR Observation/ Inspection-class Remotely Operated Ve- hicles (ROVs), and related modular ac- cessories and devices. A range of robust ROVs, designed to maximize adapt- ability, portability, and ease of use, is available from SEAMOR Marine Ltd. and represented on a global level. Re- sponsive technical services are available from our SEAMOR production, engi-neering and repair facility in Canada. These ROV systems are a cost-effective system with the ability to easily assem-ble a completely customized underwater system.VMP 250March 2014 86 MTRMTR #2 (82-96).indd 86MTR #2 (82-96).indd 862/22/2014 2:18:46 PM2/22/2014 2:18:46 PM