Page 89: of Marine Technology Magazine (March 2014)
Instrumentation: Measurement, Process & Analysis
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New Compact in situ pCO2 SensorTurner Designs now of- fers C-sense, a compact, lightweight pCO2 sensor for measuring the partial pressure of gas in liquids. Designed for applications involving immersion in water, oil, or water and oil mixtures, C-sense combines an oil-resistant membrane interface with a compact temperature-compensated nondisper- sive infrared (NDIR) detec- tor. Small (<2? x 8?; 5cm x 20.3cm) and lightweight (<1lb; 0.5 kg) with low power requirements (6- 12V DC, 80mA at 6VDC) and a simple four-pin ana- log output, C-sense is de-signed to easily integrate with monitoring systems at a signiÞ cantly lower price than traditional sub-mersible pCO2 sensors. C-sense is offered in three range conÞ gurations ? 1,000ppm, 2,000ppm or 4,000ppm with accura-cies at 3% of full-scale and can be deployed to a depth of 600m. C-sense was developed speciÞ cally for Turner Designs by Pro-Oceanus Systems Inc. in Nova Sco- tia, Canada. Pro-Oceanus has been providing the oceanographic research community with accurate submersible pCO2 sen- sors for more than eight years. www.turnerdesigns.com New Survey Interface Chesapeake Technology offers a new 24-bit analog sub-bottom SonarWiz interface (SBP24) for high resolution geophysical surveys. SBP24 provides extremely high resolution 24-bit data at sample rates from 10-100 kHz per channel for up to two channels over a standard USB 2.0 inter- face. Digitized data is stored in standard SEGY ß oating point format. The 24-bit data sampling provides greater dynamic range and the increased sampling rates allows for higher resolution of Þ ne scaled sub-bottom reß ectors.CTI offers custom software and hardware so- lutions to the marine geophysical and seaß oor mapping industry for over 20 years. Through its developments in marine surveying technology and solutions, CTI has become the standard for navies, government agencies, survey companies and universities around the world. www.chesapeaketech.com BIRNS Millennium Connectors BIRNS, Inc. announced a range of new keying options for its BIRNS Millen- nium connector series. The BIRNS Millennium series is a six km rated, high density metal shell connector line trusted worldwide for demanding subsea applications, from manned and unmanned submersibles to sensors and towed arrays. The series is speciÞ cally engineered for challenging power and signal applications and systems requiring electro-opto-mechanical solutions. The new BIRNS Millennium series keys are fully machined and feature a new squared silhouette, providing increased strength and making the keying process more seamless, secure and user-friendly. BIRNS has also launched the position of an optional third key, providing purposeful incompatibility of different positions between the same connector with different circuits. This will obviate potential confusion in the Þ eld when more than one of the same connectorÑwith the same pin conÞ gurations but different circuits, for exampleÑare being used in a subsea system. The new third key option can be speciÞ ed in one of four positions, which are designated by part number nomenclature.www.birns.com Photo: BIRNSAA300 boomer plate, CSP-P capacitor bank, AH250/12 Hy- drophone array, 250 joules at 3hz, Data courtesy David King, Marine & Earth Sci- ences Pty Ltdwww.seadiscovery.com Marine Technology Reporter 89MTR #2 (82-96).indd 89MTR #2 (82-96).indd 892/22/2014 2:20:38 PM2/22/2014 2:20:38 PM