Page 19: of Marine Technology Magazine (May 2016)
Underwater Defense
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and include hotel functionality (guid- activities. NUWC Newport Division underwater vehicles, including LDUU- ance and control, navigation, autonomy, will release LDUUV-related opportuni- Vs. According to Chief of Naval Re- situational awareness, core communica- ties for industry under FBO announce- search Rear Adm. Mat Winter, ONR’s tions, and power distribution), energy ments, Eng says. Innovative Naval Prototype LDUUV and power, propulsion and maneuver- program will design and build ? ve ing, mission sensors (payloads), and Innovative Naval Prototype LDUUVs: two preliminary designs, two communications links. The Navy’s “program of record” pier-to-pier vehicles, and one submarine “It is intended that modules will have LDUUV is different than the Of? ce of compatible vehicle. “The program is well de? ned interfaces for the purposes Naval Research Large Displacement developing energy, autonomy and core of implementing cost-effective upgrades Unmanned Underwater Vehicle Inno- systems to operate in a complex ocean in future increments to leverage advanc- vative Naval Prototype (LDUUV-INP) environment near harbors, shorelines, es in technology,” said Eng. experimental UUV. “The LDUUV-INP and other high traf? c locations. Goals
The Naval Undersea Warfare Center advances the state of energy, autonomy, include doubling air-independent UUV (NUWC) Newport Division will serve and endurance technologies in a large energy density, using open architecture as lead system integrator. “We anticipate UUV format,” said Eng. “Technologies to lower cost, and enabling pier to pier releasing additional opportunities in the developed under the ONR LDUUV-INP autonomy in over-the-horizon opera- future to industry to support LDUUV have informed, and will continue to in- tions. Achieving these goals will reduce
Prototype fabrication,” said Eng. “Test- form the Navy LDUUV associated pro- platform vulnerability and extend the ing will be conducted by the govern- gram of record. Further LDUUV-INP Navy’s reach into denied areas. ONR is ment. Speci? c details such as testing advances will enable future missions developing a long endurance, fuel cell- location are still under review.” envisioned for this system.” based power plant to be incorporated
The effort is projected to include in- ONR has long been involved in under- into LDUUV prototypes. A long endur- dustry, academia and governmental ? eld sea technology and the development of ance mission demonstration is sched- www.marinetechnologynews.com
Marine Technology Reporter 19
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