Page 43: of Marine Technology Magazine (May 2016)
Underwater Defense
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Atlantas Marine Ventures into ROV
From Left: Paul Falloon and
Sam Rolfe of Atlantas Marine.
Atlantas Marine Ltd, a company that has been selling small ROVs and pro- viding survey services for more than
Jack Herbert of Phoenix International Holdings (right) talks 15 years, has ventured into ROV instru- with a guest at his company’s stand mentation with the design and manufac- ture of a video overlay device intended to make cathodic protection surveys easier and faster.
The new tool, shown for the ? rst time at OI 2016, has been designed to dis- if sea conditions are dif? cult or visibility INS algorithm capable of collecting play the readings obtained by a cathodic is limited but with the CP data overlay it acoustic data, regardless of depth.
protection probe as an overlay on the is no longer necessary. The reading ob- Where the Doppler Velocity Log
ROV’s video display, creating a perma- tained by the probe is shown as part of (DVL) has limitations, especially when nent record and eliminating the need for the ROV’s video display which is creat- operating in middle water, ROVINS the ROV operator to make handwritten ing a permanent record of the dive. By NANO is now there to guarantee optimal notes of individual probe readings while reviewing the recording later it becomes navigation safety. “In the future, it will surveying the condition of a vessel’s an- possible to relate the data to the exact no longer be necessary to use a DVL: odes. location in a way that ef? ciently avoids even in ‘sparse array’ LBL ? elds, with
The CP video overlay unit consists of any mistakes or ambiguity. the presence of only one or two beacons, a small black box that can be quickly the combination between ROVINS and easily interfaced with the ROV’s iXBlue Debuts ROVINS NANO NANO and our RAMSES acoustic sys- cathodic measurement probe and the
Designed speci? cally for ROV navi- pilot’s video display. It is the answer to gation, iXBlue’s new inertial navigation
The new ROVINS NANO on a practical problem that Atlantas Ma- display on iXBlue’s stand at system ROVINS NANO provides accu- rine ROV operators had been grappling rate positioning at all depths, including
with for many years and it now enables for Middle Water Station Keeping.
them to give their undivided attention
Based on the manufacturer’s ? ber op- to the task of operating the ROV and its tic gyroscope technology, iXBlue has probe. When the ROV is driven forward developed ROVINS NANO to offer against the hull or anode of a vessel the ROV pilots stability and accuracy of the current reading obtained by its probe inertial position, outputting true north, is traditionally displayed on a separate roll, pitch and rotation rates.
unit. From there it must be transcribed
Paul Wysocki, iXBlue ROVINS by the ROV pilot or an assistant in a way
NANO Product Manager said ROVINS that enables the reading to be related to NANO can directly and accurately a speci? c anode. This can be a challenge transmit position due to an integrated www.marinetechnologynews.com
Marine Technology Reporter 43
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