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Underwater Defense
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Gregory R. Trauthwein
Associate Publisher & Editor
Email: [email protected] (Photo: Boeing) www.marinetechnologynews.com
NEW YORK 118 E. 25th St., New York, NY 10010
Tel: (212) 477-6700; Fax: (212) 254-6271
That little three-letter word accurately sums up my ? rst
FLORIDA thought when Kira Coley submitted her article detail- 215 NW 3rd St., Boynton Beach, FL 33435
Tel: (561) 732-4368; Fax: (561) 732-6984 ing the development of Boeing’s new 51-ft. Unmanned
Underwater Vehicle, Echo Voyager, starting on page
Big. 22. Obviously UUVs come in every conceivable shape,
John C. O’Malley size and capability, but Echo Voyager stands out for a number of reasons, and most of them [email protected] come back to ‘Big.’ This 51-ft. frame packs in some major capability, with a massive 30 x 8.5 ft. payload bay. The UUV is game-changing in a number of ways, particularly as it
Associate Publisher & Editor
Gregory R. Trauthwein carries a diesel generator capable of recharging the vehicle’s lithium ion and silver zinc [email protected] battery banks, giving the Echo Voyager a hard-to-match presence at sea.
As many readers of MTR slog through the slowdown in business due to the persistently
Web Editor low price for oil and gas, attention increasingly is turning to the global defense markets.
Eric Haun [email protected]
To put it bluntly the world is becoming a more dangerous and volatile place. With that, the
Contributing Writers importance of Unmanned Underwater Vehicle systems is starting to grow exponentially,
Kira Coley, United Kingdom as Secretary of the U.S. Navy Ray Mabus said in our overview feature on subsea defense
Capt. Edward Lundquist, USN (Ret.)
Claudio Paschoa, Brazil starting on page 16: “While nominal force structure requirements for FY25 have not been
William Stoichevski, Norway determined, the Navy is committed to growing both the size and composition of the AUV
Production Manager force. In the near-term, AUVs present an opportunity to increase undersea superiority and
Irina Vasilets [email protected] offset the efforts of our adversaries. LDUUV will be launched from a variety of platforms, including both surface ships and submarines. The craft’s missions will include ISR, acous-
Production & Graphic Design tic surveillance, ASW, mine countermeasures, and offensive operations.”
Nicole Ventimiglia [email protected]
Finally, we dispatched our Oslo-based contributor, William Stoichevski, into the creative nooks of the Norwegian Subsea Valley. The result is the ? rst in a series of two reports,
Corporate Staff
Manager, Marketing starting on page 28, which examines some of the grass roots innovation in the works in this
Mark O’Malley country that possesses and unparalleled history of innovative thinking in the subsea space.
Esther Rothenberger [email protected]
Manager, Information Technology Services
Vladimir Bibik [email protected]
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Kathleen Hickey [email protected]
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