Page 52: of Marine Technology Magazine (September 2016)
Ocean Observation: Gliders, Buoys & Sub-Surface Networks
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Tech File
Meet the
T5 Defender
Deep Ocean
Phantom T5 Specs:
Homeland security, law enforcement, information. All vehicle information is
Length: ..........................................................................35”
Width: ........................................................................21.5” military and search and rescue organiza- georeferenced and recorded for further
Height: ...................................................................22.625” tions in every region of the United States review at any time.
Weight in air: ..........................................................150 lbs recently attended demonstrations of the The Nortek DVL and Tritech Micron
Weight in water: ..........................................Trimmed to be ......................................................neutral/slightly positive
Deep Ocean Engineering Phantom T5 INS are fully integrated into the Green-
Operational Depth: ...300m (Note: Disruptor undergoing
Defender underwater drone in various sea system and provide crucial informa- further depth tests. Reliably initiated at depths per the locations around the country. tion about the vehicle’s position subsea. requirements of the application)
Operational Current: ..............................................3 knots
This specially-equipped remotely op- Using this information, the Phantom T5
Navigation Sensors: ............................Greensea INS with erated vehicle (ROV) was developed in Defender can perform the advanced ve- .....................integrated compass and depth, Nortek DVL collaboration with Greensea Systems, hicle control features described above.
Sonar: .................Tritech Gemini 720is multibeam sonar
Cameras: ....Full HD 1080i camera, multi-camera option
Tecnadyne, Tritech and Nortek, speci? - In fact, this combination of technologies
Umbilical: ...............................................Falmat ? ber optic cally to provide security organizations allows the pilot operating the topside
Power Supply: 85-265 VAC Single phase, Universal Power with a new technology solution that en- laptop to move the drone with a click
Supply, Any standard power source; primary power de- mands max 30 amps, auxiliary power expandable to user hances their ability to accomplish their of the mouse in increments as precise as requirements missions, while at the same time, mini- 10cm. Deep Ocean Engineering offers a
Manipulator: ........Single function manipulator (grabber) mizing risk to personnel. standard single-function manipulator on ..................................................................with cutter blade
The Phantom T5 Defender is portable the Phantom T5 Defender, however, as and deployable by two people. It can run an option, can be equipped with multi- on standard 110v or 220v power sourc- loted either manually with joysticks or function arms based on the needs of the es, and can reach a speed of 3 knots sub- automatically using waypoints that al- end-user. The ? exibility of the system merged. It is equipped with a 12 gauge low the drone to execute a preplanned allows interchangeability of cameras “shotgun” explosive ordinance disposal mission. The drones’ ? ve Tecnadyne and lights, if the end-user requires it.
(EOD) device that ? res its disrupter at thrusters work in conjunction with a Tri- Most recently, the Phantom T5 De- point-blank range to disable a potential tech multi-beam sonar to easily identify fender participated in a week-long se- threat. and lock onto targets. With the Green- ries of tests conducted by independent
The underwater drone has been under sea system, once the target is identi? ed, homeland security evaluators at an un- development for 18 months, tested in re- a pilot can click on the sonar to engage disclosed location. The tests were con- al-life situations by dive teams and ma- target-relative positioning of the drone, ducted in open water and in water tank rine units of federal, state and local law add hazard or “keep out” zones, auto- environments, to evaluate performance enforcement agencies, military bomb matically orbit the target, station keep in meeting speci? c criteria. The Phan- teams, search and rescue agencies and on the target, while in current, and re- tom T5 Defender performed ? awlessly, homeland security tactical units. acquire the target. In addition, video and and in several cases, exceeded expecta-
Utilizing the fully integrated Greensea sonar activities are fully integrated into tions.
system, the Phantom T5 Defender is pi- one screen with the vehicle’s navigation
September 2016 52
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