Page 54: of Marine Technology Magazine (September 2016)
Ocean Observation: Gliders, Buoys & Sub-Surface Networks
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People & Company News
During a recent visit, SoS Greg Clark meets Steven Gray, ROVOP CEO; Callum Lamont,
ROVOP’s Graduate Trainee; and Douglas Young, ROVOP’s Apprentice
South Paci? c islands. The Route sur- eTech SeaPROFILER acoustic Doppler
Med Excursion for Applied vey, launched by Hawaiki Submarine current pro? ler and sensors that record
Acoustics’ Deep Tow Sparker
Cable LP and TE SubCom, follows the The Applied Acoustics deep-tow sparker the temperature and conductivity of the commencement of a supply contract DTS-500 has recently been deployed in waters being surveyed. The USV was in March and a survey of landing sites the Mediterranean Sea, off the continen- delivered with a fully integrated Ed- from May to July 2016. tal slope of Majorca, working on a proj- getech 6205 multi-beam echo-sounder, ect with SOCIB, the Balearic Islands motion reference unit, dual antenna
ROVOP Sees Success
Coastal Observing and Forcasting body. RTK GPS, sound velocity probe and
ROVOP won contracts worth more than Assisted by SOCIB’s Oceanographic In- HYPACK software.
$4 million spanning oil and gas and off- strumentation Technician, Carlos Castil- shore wind projects in the North Sea, la Álvarez, the DTS-500 was deployed
ESS Doubles Scope of Wikinger
Gulf of Mexico, W. Africa and Europe in deep water, up to 500m, at a distance
Offshore Work with several new clients and include up to 1km from the SOCIB research Ecosse Subsea Systems (ESS) was construction support, cable lay and pro- vessel. The complete system consists awarded a contract last year by main tection, survey and inspection repair of a rack mount surface console, cable contractor Prysmian Group to carry and maintenance (IRM). CEO of RO- and robust tow? sh, and easily interfaces out pre-cut seabed trenching, prior to
VOP, Steven Gray, said, “As a result of with standard data-loggers. cable laying, on Iberdrola’s 70-turbine these awards, we are increasing our off- wind farm offshore Germany. The ini- shore workforce across both Aberdeen tial contract has now doubled in scope
SeaRobotics Delivers USV and Houston. It’s clear that the market SeaRobotics has delivered an autono- with the award of route clearance and remains challenging, however ROVOP mous 2.5 meter USV to the Center for seabed preparation work on the 350MW continues to win work by focusing on Marine Science and Technology at NC Wikinger development. ESS’s SCAR saving cost for our customer. The con- State University. Funded by an award Seabed System will perform ? rst pass tinued prolonged market downturn has from the National Science Foundation’s and multi-pass trenching in preparation been signi? cant. However, this down- Marine Lab Facilities Program, the USV for Prysmian’s installation and burial of turn will undoubtedly create opportuni- 2.5 is equipped with a suite of scienti? c 81km of submarine cables which will ty for those companies who address the instrumentation and will be utilized as connect the turbines to the offshore sub- current challenges and adapt to the new an experiential-based teaching tool and station.
market environment. This ? exible ap- to conduct basic and applied research proach, along with looking to increase in lake, river, estuary and costal envi-
Multiple Corer for Taiwan cost ef? ciencies to clients should ensure ronments. Equipped with side-scanning Ocean Scienti? c International Ltd we continue to be well positioned in our and bathymetric sonars, a high-frequen- (OSIL) has built and equipped a 12 sta- target markets going forward.” cy sub-bottom seismic system, a Row- tion Multi Corer system for use by the
September 2016 54
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