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Ocean Observation: Gliders, Buoys & Sub-Surface Networks
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Gregory R. Trauthwein
Associate Publisher & Editor
Email: [email protected] (Courtesy of the Marine Institute) www.marinetechnologynews.com
NEW YORK t is hard to believe that the dog days of summer are quickly giving way to the start 118 E. 25th St., New York, NY 10010
Tel: (212) 477-6700; Fax: (212) 254-6271 of Autumn, and what promises to be another busy travel season starting now and
FLORIDA running straight until the end of 2016. First on the agenda for many is Oceans 2016 215 NW 3rd St., Boynton Beach, FL 33435
Iin Monterey, California, September 19-23. Oceans is traditionally a strong launching
Tel: (561) 732-4368; Fax: (561) 732-6984 point for new service and technology, and this year’s event does not disappoint. A preview
PUBLISHER of the conference and exhibition, as well as the companies showcasing new technologies,
John C. O’Malley starts on page 60.
Since we took over publishing this title in 2005, a recurring theme has been the de- mand to be more ef? cient and effective in conducting studies and business at sea. In fact,
Associate Publisher & Editor
Gregory R. Trauthwein to this day I look back to an invitation from Dr. Robert Ballard to visit with him and his [email protected] students at the University of Rhode Island (URI) as one of the most in? uential meetings in my MTR career. I spent the day at URI with Ballard and his crew to get insight and
Web Editor understanding of its Archaeological Oceanography Doctorate Program and how they were
Eric Haun [email protected] fast-forwarding ‘telepresence’ technology to help broaden and make more affordable ac-
Contributing Writers cess to subsea exploration and discovery. (See Marine Technology Reporter, January 2006:
Kira Coley, United Kingdom http://magazines.marinelink.com/Magazines/MarineTechnology/200601/? ash/).
Capt. Edward Lundquist, USN (Ret.)
Claudio Paschoa, Brazil
That mission continues today industry-wide in earnest, and I’m happy to share with
William Stoichevski, Norway you a feature from Guy T. Noll of ESRI on the use of aerial drones as “the next great leap
Production Manager in hydrography,” starting on page 24. But the story is not simply about drones, or any one
Irina Vasilets [email protected] technology for that matter, rather it addresses the collaboration of technologies – from new software and apps to point-clouds and mosaic datasets – in the effort to make work and
Production & Graphic Design study at sea more ef? cient.
Nicole Ventimiglia [email protected]
Speaking of collaboration, in her feature “A United Front on Ocean Observation”
Kira Coley looks at the European Marine Board’s efforts to forward a partnership of
Corporate Staff major national marine and oceanographic institutes in Europe to help close critical gaps
Manager, Marketing
Mark O’Malley within ocean observation and sea? oor mapping. Kira’s story starts on page 34.
Esther Rothenberger [email protected]
Manager, Information Technology Services
Vladimir Bibik [email protected]
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Kathleen Hickey [email protected]
Marine Technology Reporter Bayport, NY 11705. (ISSN 1559-7415) is published
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