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erations as hot taps (cutting into “live” scanning miles of connections, en activity. SpectraPipe condition and en- pipe) or ? ttings attachment. Field joint masse, and then storing the descriptive vironmental imagery is key, and it also damage is the jargon, but it appears to data with GPS positions. DNV GL stan- generates mapping info. be a survey area SpectraPipe excels at. dards, service speci? cations and recom- “Our goal is to continue delivering

We’re shown how the SpectraPipe clas- mended practices might then be used to mapping and inspection services for si? es exposed polyurethane ? ller by quickly assess the overall bill. Hence the both oil and gas and aquaculture appli- producing an instant IMR code. Gener- writer’s assertion that this UHI system cations,” he says. “During 2019 we have ated codes for ? eld joints are FJFD for looks like it’ll be capable of speeding performed several seabed mapping sur- ? ller damaged; FJFE (? ller exposed or compliance on best practices for subsea veys for (both industries), looking at en- loose wrapping) and FJCC (corrosion pipelines. vironmental impact from drilling opera- coating exposed). The coded “events” tions and salmon farming operations.” accrue and help form a readable, accu- Just the start For now, Ecotone will “actively seek” rate pipeline report. The Ecotone method is expected to de- IMR pipeline and subsea inspection

It isn’t just Ecotone generating pipe- velop into a way to inspect other subsea work in the pipeline integrity market. line repair codes. Class ? ag bearer, installations — from submerged jackets They’ll talk to “operators and survey

DNV GL, has for years been pushing its to stands of subsea trees and their mani- companies to identify projects where

RP-FF11e recommended practice code folds — so, there’s a giant worldwide our solutions are a good ? t”.

for subsea pipeline repair. It covers ? t- market at hand. That ought to go well, as Equinor Tech tings like clamps, couplings, T-branch While, there are other pipeline inspec- Ventures is an owner — as are local in- connections and isolation plugs, includ- tion tech companies out there, bathy- vestors, the company founders and its ing the welded connections of these. metric and pipeline-positioning data employees. For 10 full time employees,

That’s where Ecotone can help: by seems a biproduct of Ecotone’s core this IMR story is just the beginning.

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Marine Technology Reporter 31

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Marine Technology

Marine Technology Reporter is the world's largest audited subsea industry publication serving the offshore energy, subsea defense and scientific communities.