Page 14: of Marine Technology Magazine (September 2021)
MTR100: Focus on 100 Leading Companies, People and Innovations in the Subsea Space
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Watch the video @ bit.ly/3hUpaPn scale ocean data collection while simul- it sees and about what it should do next,
A pair of ex-Navy Seals, Judson taneously, radically improving the user without contacting a human and saying, data experience with that now scaled “hey, here’s a picture of something. I
Kaufman and Joe Wolfel, are the co- data? So that’s the mission, two-fold – don’t know what it is, but standing by founders and the co-CEOs of Terradepth, data collection, data interface.” for further for their mission tasking.” a company with an unmanned submers-
Earlier this year Terradepth completed The test was a success, as Kaufman ex- ible system that is showing promise to deliver ocean data – economically – at Phase 1 trials to put its system to the test plained: “So it was in-situ data process- on Lake Travis in Texas. “The focus re- ing at the edge decision-making, that’s scale. “The vision of the company is to ally was just to prove to ourselves and to really what we proved.” create a complete, accurate and immer- our stakeholders that the robot that we The next step for the Terradepth team sive virtual ocean experience, to connect humanity with what is the last frontier build could operate fully autonomously, will be to prove the ability for that same on earth,” said Wolfel. “The mission end-to-end,” said Kauffman. “Could the robot to recharge its own batteries while then becomes: how do you drastically robot go into the water, see something, deployed at sea, which was scheduled to and then make a decision based on what trial in the summer of 2021. iXblue www.ixblue.com ing and robotics, iXblue designs autonomous maritime plat- forms that are increasingly ef? cient, economical and envi- ronmentally friendly.
DriX is an 8m unmanned surface vehicle (USV) developed and built in France by iXblue. The USV conducts hydro- graphic surveys in order to map the oceans, 85% of which remain unknown to this day. Equipped with sensors (radar, lidar, cameras, etc.) and its own arti? cial intelligence, DriX analyzes its environment, avoids obstacles and carries out its missions autonomously. The USV can autonomously map large areas in a reduced amount of time, contributing to the rapid improvement of the understanding of our planet’s oceans. Lighter than traditional vessels, and particularly hy- iXblue, based in Saint-Germain-en-Laye, France and led drodynamic, DriX helps reduce hydrographic surveys’ envi- by Fabien Napolitano, is a global high-tech company em- ronmental footprint. Compared to traditional survey vessels, ploying 750, specializing in the design and manufacturing DriX decreases fuel consumption and greenhouse gas emis- of advanced marine, autonomy and photonics technologies. sions by a factor of 50 and reduces radiated noise for greater
Leveraging cutting-edge expertise in the ? elds of shipbuild- respect of marine wildlife. 14 September/October 2021
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