Page 47: of Marine Technology Magazine (September 2021)
MTR100: Focus on 100 Leading Companies, People and Innovations in the Subsea Space
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Nortek www.nortekgroup.com observer. By measuring these changes in frequency/phase, our instruments accurately measure pro? les of speed and di- rection of complex water motion. Nortek’s product portfolio ranges from wave measurement systems to single-point tur- bulence sensors and oceanic current pro? lers. Our product range covers four themes: ocean waves, ocean currents, tur- bulent ? ow and subsea navigation.
A notable new innovation from Nortek is the Nortek Eco, a fully functional Acoustic Doppler Current Pro? ler (ADCP) not much bigger than a coffee mug. Eco makes ADCP data available to those who historically may not have had the budget, equipment, or experience to use ADCPs, but would
Based in Rud, Norway, and led by Finn Ivar Marum, Nortek bene? t from reliable current velocity data. After users con- is a company 130-strong. This year, Nortek released several nect the instrument to a WebApp and set their measurement new product innovations, designed to make ADCP data more interval, they simply deploy Eco using one of two off-the- accessible or increasing abilities in subsea navigation. shelf deployment solutions speci? cally designed for Eco.
Nortek designs, develops and produces scienti? c instru- Once in the water, Eco automatically recognizes its position ments that apply the Doppler principle to underwater acous- in the water column and measures velocities in three depth tics in order to measure water in motion, such as currents layers above the instrument. As part of its auto-con? guring and waves. Its exploratory devices help cast light on the nature, Eco also recognizes and ? lters out data points from workings of the world’s oceans, which occupy vast swathes when the instrument was out of water, sidelobe interference of the planet, but are still little understood. Most of Nortek’s occurred, ? sh swam in the way of the beams, and more, technology is based on a scienti? c physical principle called leaving users with reliable and easy to read data. The We- the Doppler effect. This relates to the change in frequency bApp even auto-generates graphs and reports from the data (or pitch) when a sound source moves with respect to an for easy visualization and sharing. as, lighting and positioning systems for the most extreme oceanographic, industrial, commercial and military ap- plications and environments. ROS has 30+ employees and its product line includes underwater video cameras, lights, rugged pan and tilt positioning systems, video inspection systems and control systems manufactured primarily for the oceanographic, nuclear and defense industries.
For 2021 ROS has developed two new products designed for deep ocean applications. The SeaStar is a high-powered, lightweight compact LED light that delivers 10,000 lumens output with full-range dimming capability. The SeaStar is completely Field Serviceable and available with ? ood or spot re? ector options. It is depth rated to 6,000 meters. The
Remote Ocean Systems
Accu-positioner is a new ROS technology Pan & Tilt Posi- www.rosys.com tioner that features a reliable and rugged deep ocean design and computer-controlled accuracy to +/- 0.1 degree. The Ac-
Based in San Diego and led by Bob Acks, for more than cu-positioner is controlled with COTS controllers, devices 40 years Remote Ocean Systems has been a leader in the and ROS GUI. It operates with zero backlash and is depth development and manufacture of latest technology camer- rated to 6000 meters.
www.marinetechnologynews.com 47
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