Page 51: of Marine Technology Magazine (September 2021)
MTR100: Focus on 100 Leading Companies, People and Innovations in the Subsea Space
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oceans cover more than 70% of our planet, more than 95%
RTsys https://rtsys.eu of them still remain unexplored. In this regard, AUVs are the
Specialist in underwater acoustics and drones, RTsys best turnkey solutions for military, commercial and scien- is a 40-person company based in Caudan, France, led by ti? c applications to perform a wide range of missions, from
Raphaël Bourdon. RTsys manufactures active and passive bathymetry and seabed survey to Unexploded Ordnance underwater instruments, compact and powerful underwa- (UXO) detection. Additionally, from UXO strewn along Eu- ter drones (AUVs), and portable sonar system for divers. ropean shores to new threats rising around the world, Mine
Thanks to its core technology “Powered by SDA”, the RT- Countermeasures (MCM) are a growing issue that RTsys ful- sys product range has grown rapidly, particularly in the civil ly addresses by recreating complete manned and unmanned and defense sectors. Passive Acoustic Monitoring (PAM) environments run by underwater acoustics, from diver-held obtains valuable data on underwater areas, either by real- sonars to beacons and AUVs. Lastly, Anti Submarine War- time assessment or post-processing analysis. It also handles fare (ASW) products are delivered to Navies worldwide for more speci? c needs for multiparameter monitoring. acoustic systems tests and training, torpedo ? ring exercises,
Autonomous Underwater Vehicles (AUV): Although and acoustic signature measurements.
Saab Seaeye www.saabseaeye.com lenging environments on the planet. A wholly owned sub- sidiary of Saab, Saab Seaeye has facilities in the U.K., Swe- den and the U.S., along with substantial water tank and lake test facilities. More than 80% of its systems are exported to markets that span the globe with representation in 25 coun- tries. Many different market sectors deploy its robotic sys- tems in a vast array of demanding tasks in situations where its vehicles work tirelessly for extended periods in arduous conditions. Saab Seaeye’s systems come in wide variety of sizes, power and tasking options. These range from man- portable inspection to deep-rated work systems, and from tethered and autonomous vehicles to remote resident robot- ics. Its iCON intelligent control architecture aims to acceler- ate system development and provide customers with easier
Saab Seaeye, led by Jon Robertson, is the world’s largest operation and training, simpler repair and maintenance, eas- manufacturer of electric underwater robotic vehicles with ier upgrades and lower real through-life cost. While under the world’s largest range. For more than 30 years Saab Sea- operation, iCON effectively ‘thinks for itself’, leaving the eye has built a reputation as a pioneer of underwater robotic operator free to concentrate on the task at hand. Saab Sea- technology that has led the industry by creating innovative eye is certi? ed by DNV GL to ISO 9001, ISO 14001 and solutions trusted to perform complex tasks in the most chal- OHSAS 18001.
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