Page 23: of Marine Technology Magazine (July 2022)
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EQ EQ EQS EQ E EQ team vie ing video imag s s s sEQS team viewingv ideoi mageses from the Seaeye Falcon of the marine growth and marine m m m Th Th he The Th he abandoned platform. T T T T Th he e abandonedp p p plat orm m m. . . fo m m. activit ity ac a mal ac an ani ani an ani animal activity animal activity animal a a activ vity ty ty y y y y y y y y y at at at at a th th th thep p p p p p p p p plat atfor o o m m m m m m. . .ep latform.ep latform m.e platform m m.
form, the wellhead and at the arti? cial marine reef construc- Conclusions tion site pre-determined location. The pending issues and evidence resulting from the ? rst
The water samples were analyzed for pH, temperature, electri- phase of technical and operational monitoring of the decom- cal conductivity, salinity (sodium chloride), dissolved oxygen, missioning of the Safueiro ? eld will be addressed under the turbidity, radioactivity (mSv), chlorophyll, suspended matter, new plan already developed by EQS.
total hydrocarbons (TOC and TIC), chemical oxygen demand New planning is in place to continue works of the second (COD), total dissolved solids, phenols, cyanides and nutrients phase, which will include the correction of some ? ndings iden- (Ammonia, Nitrates, Total Nitrogen, Orthophosphates, Total ti? ed in the ? rst phase, NORM assessment, clearing an area of
Phosphorus). Niskin bottles were used for water collection. ? sh nets, restoring platform signalling and marking, position-
Seabed sediment samples were taken using a Smith-Mc- ing of signal buoys and con? rmation of pipeline locations.
Intyre Grab sampler, which allowed the collection of a repre- The third and last phase of the decommissioning will consist sentative sample of the surveyed area. of equipment removal and structural cutting of the topside.
The sampling activity also focused on the collection of bio- Once the decommissioning has been completed, a series of logical matter, namely zooplankton, phytoplankton, and ben- surveys will be scheduled to monitor the evolution of marine thos collected using a WP-2 net. growth on the newly created arti? cial reef.
• Bathymetry • CTD & Environmental • Current • Sound Velocity • Tide • AUV, ROV & ASV • HYDROGRAPHY • HYDROMETRY • METROLOGY &
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