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MTR 100 data to inform how we work and understand the ocean,” said for EverClean. “We have operators in Plymouth that supervise

Kinnaman. “Greensea IQ will use our technology and the in- these robots as they clean and maintain ships and collect data telligence that enables to extend our presence into the ocean, and process that data. We’ll continue to use our San Diego of- so that our work there can be persistent, safe, ef? cient, and ? ce to support our US Navy and US Marine Corps defense cus- for the protection of ocean and humankind. So, the tag of IQ tomers, but San Diego will also be the center of our West Coast behind Greensea represents a higher impact. It represents a expansion for EverClean as we move into ports and harbors on company driven and motivated by intelligence, to move not the West Coast. We’ll continue to use our Florida facility for just from edge processing and computing to data collection, research and we’ll also expand the Florida facility to service the but all the way to the human that is making action and making South Florida Gulf Coast and Texas markets for cruise ships.” decisions and trying to understand the ocean.” In evaluating the physical manifestations of Greensea IQ, the

At the time of MTR’s interview in August 2023, Greensea product line, Kinnaman said: “From a product and technology

IQ had just hired its 90th employee, that’s 90 people strong line perspective, we will move into a strategy that is focused across four strategically located facilities: headquarters re- on higher impact endeavors. We will be focused on using data maining in Richmond, Vermont; a facility in San Diego, Cali- and intelligence software, autonomous robotics to make big fornia; a research facility and the center of our EverClean ser- change in the world. It’s dif? cult to be a high impact organi- vice in Florida; and a large production and engineering facility zation and continue low impact business sales. So, there are in Plymouth, Massachusetts. some business segments we will begin divesting. [To be clear] “We’ve invested several million in our Plymouth, Massa- we’ll continue all of our products, we are not divesting any chusetts facility to build a state-of-the-art production line and products. We continue to invest in our Bayonet Ocean Vehicle production facility for ocean robots,” said Kinnaman. This is product line, as well as our EverClean service and our Ever- where our Bayonet product line, its EverClean product line, Clean robots for maintaining ships.” our product line for inertial navigation systems, and our prod- Even as the company re-tools, Kinnaman project the growth uct line for swimmer and combat swimmer navigation systems path that he has driven will continue, forecasting a 35% will be based, manufactured, tested, delivered and serviced.” growth for the combined entity this year with a 50% growth

Plymouth will also serve as Greensea IQ’s operation center beginning again in 2024.

Blue Robo ics manufacturing facility has state of the art tools, a high degree of quality control, and a manufacturing team with constant attention on improvement.

Blue Robotics has a broad product line now with many dif- ferent types of technology, the newest being the BlueBoat

USV and the recent release of our BlueOS software.

The BlueBoat is a 1.2 meter long surface vessel with a unique weedless design and a favorable price point. Like our BlueROV2, the BlueBoat is fully capable and useful on its own, but is designed for users to make their own modi- ? cations and additions. It has open-source electronics and software and a hull that has many mounting points for user- added sensors and hardware.

The second key development this year is BlueOS 1.1.0, the most recent release of our operating system software for the

Blue Robotics designs, manufactures, and sells components BlueROV2, BlueBoat, and other marine vehicles. BlueOS is for marine robotics. It started in 2014 with the release of our built on top of Linux and, like other operating systems, it man-

T100 and T200 Thrusters and have since grown a product ages hardware connections, processes, networking, software line of over 350 products ranging from watertight enclosures updates, and the user interface for a subsea vehicle. BlueOS is to cable penetrators to control electronics to batteries. Our open source and freely available for use on any vehicle. This products range from propulsion to vehicles to sonar, and we new release of BlueOS has tens of new features and tools, are of? cial sponsors of the MATE ROV Competition, the including the of? cial release of BlueOS Extensions. BlueOS

RoboNation RoboSub/RoboBoat/RobotX competitions, the Extensions are available through an “app store” section of

Singapore AUV Challenge, to name a few. Our 25,000 sqft BlueOS and allow users to add new functionality quickly. 22 September/October 2023

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Marine Technology

Marine Technology Reporter is the world's largest audited subsea industry publication serving the offshore energy, subsea defense and scientific communities.