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Inside a Cyber Readiness Drill

Onboard RV Sikuliaq

By Julian Race, M.S.

n an era when technology is integrated into every fac- maritime traf? c management, and supply chains. While the et of our lives, the maritime industry is no exception. tragic accident in Baltimore in March 2024 that resulted in

Ships at sea are increasingly reliant on interconnected the destruction of the Francis Scott Key bridge and loss of systems for navigation, communication, and operation. six lives was likely mechanical failure or human error rather

I However, with this reliance comes the vulnerability than malicious intent, it is not hard to imagine a similar sce- to cyber threats, making cybersecurity a prime concern for nario where a vessel’s control systems are compromised via maritime safety and security. cyber attack. A vessel that has been compromised could be

The importance of cybersecurity on vessels is often over- driven off-course or intentionally disabled to cause damage looked. Ships are now equipped with sophisticated electronic to a port or other maritime facility. systems, including navigation, propulsion, and communica- To address these challenges, the maritime industry must tion systems, all interconnected through sometimes complex prioritize cybersecurity as a fundamental component of ves- networks. While these advancements enhance ef? ciency and sel safety and operational resilience, similarly to ? re pre- safety, they also present opportunities for malicious actors to vention or anti-piracy measures. This requires a multifaceted exploit vulnerabilities. approach encompassing technology, regulations, and work-

Vessels conduct routine safety and security drills to ensure force training.

the crew is familiar with procedures to keep a vessel safe First and foremost, vessel operators must invest in robust cy- from things like pirate attacks or unknown persons sneak- bersecurity measures to safeguard onboard systems from ex- ing onboard. However, what happens when the threat is vir- ternal threats. This includes implementing advanced ? rewalls, tual? There is no panga (a small ? shing boat often favored security protocols, intrusion detection systems, and regular by pirates) loaded with gun-wielding attackers to fend off, security audits to identify and mitigate vulnerabilities.

or suspicious packages to ? nd and secure. Cyber threats are Additionally, regulatory bodies and international organiza- amorphous and insidious — and vessels must start preparing tions play a crucial role in establishing cybersecurity stan- for these types of attacks. dards and guidelines for the maritime industry. Compliance

One of the most signi? cant threats is the potential for cyber- with regulations put forward by the International Maritime attacks to disrupt essential ship systems, leading to naviga- Organization (IMO) and the U.S. Coast Guard (USCG) are tion errors, engine failures, or even complete loss of control. essential to ensure a baseline level of cybersecurity across

Such incidents not only endanger the crew and cargo but also the industry.

pose environmental risks, threatening marine life, coastlines, To that end in June 2017, The IMO Maritime Safety Com- and infrastructure. mittee adopted Resolution MSC.428(98), Maritime Cyber

Moreover, modern vessels are not isolated entities; they are Risk Management in Safety Management Systems, to en- part of a broader maritime ecosystem that includes ports, ter- courage vessel operators to ensure that cyber risks are appro- minals, and maritime authorities. A cyber-attack on one ves- priately addressed in existing safety management systems. sel could have cascading effects, impacting port operations, Domestically, the USCG recently requested comments on 8 May/June 2024

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Marine Technology

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