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Courtesy Argeo dual-HISAS which doubles the swath with and production

You’ve had great successes this far? How will you speed, CathX cameras and laser, and the endurance of up to maintain this drive and uniqueness for years to come?

First, we aren’t a company that stands still. We always move 60 hrs of real acquisition time. It is the most advanced AUV on. We have a portfolio of intellectual property that goes in on the market to date, hands down.

sync with our technology development in three verticals—oil

As an expert in the ? eld, what do you see as the fu- and gas, marine minerals, and renewables. We harness this in ture of ocean surveying and subsea sensing?

new sensors that can open new frontiers in terms of explora-

How long is a rope? There’s a huge and very fast cycle of tion—either in deeper water or in previously mentioned proj- ects like offshore wind. This combination of technology as a technology, which is ongoing. It never stops. We’ll see big changes in terms of the vehicles we use, what they can do, service to deliver superior products is really what we’re about.

and how they can achieve the things that they do. I think that’s

When we started all of this, we knew that we could choose to be one of the best. That’s always a strategy, but we chose to be what everyone sees. But we’re thinking, more speci? cally, unique in what we do and to bring something new to the ? eld, how does machine learning and AI help us interpret data?

To give an example—with all the sensors turned on our Hu- which is somewhat of a heritage as well. Combining in-house gin Superior, for say 48-50 hours, we acquire up to 10 terabytes engineering and technology into production systems and do- of data. Imagine sifting through all of that. It takes a long time ing those types of job ten times faster with superior quality— that’s Argeo. And as we became good at that, we also said today, but we’re working on algorithms to help us pick out im- that, “Okay. I think the customer would like us to deliver our portant pieces. Another thing we’re working on is to make the products from our ? eld units to have rapid answers to their data live for the client. We’re developing a new data platform that allows more live interaction with data for decision making. questions.” That makes us a bit special, I hope.

There’s a lot going on the computer side to make things go fast- er, easier, and to be able to give more sense of what we’re seeing.

Let’s switch gears to dive into your recent projects,

We have an in-house data platform called Argeo SCOPE that including the contract with Woodside Energy. Can integrates all the data from our LEDs, allowing both our internal you tell me a little bit about Argeo’s role in that, what employees and our clients to interact with the data. We’ve also value it brings to you, and the vehicle being used?

made good use of Elon Musk’s Starlink to get data to shore, which

Absolutely. We’ve known Woodside for some time and we’ve has been an enormous step forward in terms of access to our ves- been talking with them about the Calypso ? eld. Our contribu- tion is the Argeo Searcher with the new Hugin Superior. It’s a sels. I can have a Teams meeting with our vessel in the middle of big project for us as a company; we’re positioning ourselves the Indian Ocean today. This was a fantasy 20 years ago.

within the oil and gas sector, which is massively important.

Trond, do you have a ? nal message to close us out?

We recently purchased two new Hugin Superiors, with all

What to expect from Argeo: We’ll bring out more vessels, bells and whistles of sensors included. In addition, we fully integrated our own Argeo LISTEN system. The superiority of more tools, more vehicles, and more sensor systems—and the AUV lies in the production facility of the vehicle (6000m) with the pace that we’ve had so far, it won’t take long.

32 May/June 2024

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Marine Technology

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