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Exail Eelume Balmoral

Gary Yeoman, Sales Director at Bal- dubbed The Clear Water Bay, to Hong eoapp AQUA: Monitoring moral Comtec, said: “Rosebank signi- Kong University of Science and Tech-

Water Quality from Space ? es an exciting shift for the future of nology (HKUST), to bolster the school’s

Authorities and industry can gain com- offshore ? eld development in the UK, prehensive satellite-based information technology R&D initiatives, underscor- with its ambitions to be one of the ? rst on coastal and inland waters with a few ing its commitment to advancing robot-

UK ? elds powered with renewable elec- mouse clicks: The cloud-based solution, ics education.

tricity. We’re delighted that as a result of The ? nal recipient of the unmanned eoapp AQUA, offers a wealth of data this project we’re actively recruiting for and a panoptic view of many water bod- vessel is Cheng Kar-Shun Robotics In- many roles here in Aberdeen and across ies. Users can conduct data generation stitute (CKSRI) at HKUST, a multidis- the UK. While this recruitment effort for a speci? c region, after de? ning re- ciplinary platform dedicated to fostering is driven by our recent award win, the quired parameters, observation period, research, development, and education addition of valuable, transferable skills area, and satellite sources according to in robotics. The Clear Water Bay USV will continue to heighten our expertise their needs. For visualizing and analyz- will directly support the Institute’s in- and strengthen our position as a leader ing these results, eoapp AQUA includes novative technology research and de- across offshore sectors in both tradition- an intuitive data viewer, a long-term velopment efforts, enabling secondary al and renewable energies.” analysis tool enabling users to look +40 development activities and expanding years back in time, a monitoring feature the horizons of scienti? c exploration at

OSIL Dredge Monitoring


to identify both the status and recent de-

Buoy Network velopments in water bodies, plus an alert

Ocean Scienti? c International Limited function based on individual thresholds.

Seatools Deploys Equipment at Offshore Wind Farm (OSIL) supplied a network of 1.2m data

All these features support a physics- buoys to offshore construction company based approach to water quality appli-

Seatools delivred its pre-piling tem-

Van Oord to monitor turbidity and dis- plate equipment to CSBC-DEME Wind cations, such as bathing waters surveil- solved oxygen levels in the location of lance, environmental impact monitoring,

Engineering (CDWE) for the Hai Long

Offshore Wind Farm project. Seatools, dredging operations. A total of nine data or climate change studies.

acquisition systems have been produced in close collaboration with CDWE, was ‘Following ‘SDB-Online’ for hydro- for Van Oord, and the fully integrated graphic or ‘HYPOS’ for hydropower responsible for the comprehensive design multi-discipline data buoy networks stakeholders, eoapp AQUA is the third of the pile template’s metrology and con- will support dredging operations by in EOMAP’s series of online solutions. trol system, encompassing all mechani- providing continuous real-time infor- cal, electrical, hydraulic, and soft-ware

These eoapps all have one common tar- mation about the dredge plume and sur- components. This scope also included get: To provide decision support through rounding environmental conditions. The fast and simple access to satellite-based hydraulic and mechanical systems dedi- buoys are equipped with water quality information.

cated to template leveling and precise sondes provided from Van Oord’s exist- pile positioning. The advanced metrol- ing equipment pool, and relay collected ogy system ensures that pile installation

OceanAlpha Delivers USV data via GSM with an Iridium satellite is achieved with exceptional accuracy, to Hong Kong University

Short Burst Data (SBD) back up. OceanAlpha delivered a L12E USV, meeting stringent tolerance requirements.

OceanAlpha eoapp OSIL 44 May/June 2024

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Marine Technology

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