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» Depend on AAI for a better way to move cargo from ship to ship The requirement was to transfer cargo from ships to landing craft, at a fast rate, under the dynamic pitch and roll conditions of open sea. The problem solvers at AAI developed and produced the systems now on the Navy's LPD Ships: LaSalle, Austin, Ogden and Duluth. Each ship's system, consisting of six units of cabs and LO-HED® Hoists operating on three monorail tracks in a wet well, is capable of moving cargo continuously at the rate of 350 tons an hour. An example of a better way by AAI. move weapons from deck to deck Currently in production at AAI is a better weapons handling sys-tem for the handling of torpe-does, SUBROC, ASROC, and other weapons aboard the AS class vessel?submarine fleet support ships AS36 and 37. Mobility through and between deck levels is provided through a system of hoists, bridge cranes, and a rail network. The improved techniques are a result of AAl's extensive experience in creating materials handling systems. Here's how AAl's "do it a better way" thinking is applied to the engineering of shipboard eleva-tors. On 9000 lb. capacity weap-ons elevators we've accom-plished a 60% weight savings over conventional design without sacrificing safety or efficiency. This results in substantially re-duced construction and testing costs. These elevators, currently in production at AAI, are for in-stallation on the aircraft carrier USS America, CVA66. Another elevator, now being built at AAI, is destined for the aircraft carrier USS Nimitz, CVA(N)68. Looking for a better way to solve your problem? See the creative engi-neers at AAI. move anything from top to bottom INDUSTRIAL DIVISION AAI CORPORATION Phone: (301)666-1400 Write: P.O. Box 6853 Baltimore, Maryland 21204 Developers and builders of complete cargo handling systems for shipboard and dockside. September 1, 1969 5