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GANICIN COUNTRY ZINC RICH COATINGS mm "ES.U.S.PAT.OFr. Wherever ships, plates, pier facilities, rigs, storage tanks, pipelines, bridges or any steel surfaces need the kind of protection from corrosion that zinc gives, that's GANICIN Country. Du Pont GANICIN? Zinc Rich Coatings. They're new. Easy to apply at the fabricator or on the job since the zinc powders stay in suspension longer. Long pot life?up to 72 hours! Fast dry?tack free in 30 to 60 minutes at 77° F and 50% RH. Hard dry in 6 to 8 hours. You can topcoat the same day, if needed. And the built-in drying guide (green when wet, gray when dry) helps improve application efficiency. Get the full details on how GANICIN cuts corrosion from your Du Pont Industrial Maintenance Finishes representative. Or just send in the coupon. GANICIN Zinc Rich Coatings. Newto the Du Pont CUT SYSTEM -the system that gives you the complete how, what and when of cost-cutting in maintenance painting and corrosion control. Du Pont Company, Room 7781, MR-969, Wilmington, Del. 19898 ? Please send me information on Du Pont GANICIN? Zinc Rich Coatings. ? Please send me Du Pont CUT SYSTEM information. ? Please have your Du Pont I TIF representative contact me. _Fhone_ Company. Address? City -State. _Zip_ INDUSTRIAL MAINTENANCE FINISHES 8 Maritime Reporter/Engineering News