Page 9: of Maritime Reporter Magazine (January 1971)
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C.J.G. Wentz To Head
MarAd's Eastern Region
Ports-Intermodal Office
C.J.G. Went*
Furthering the development of the recently created Office of Ports and Intermodal Systems by the
Maritime Administration, U.S. De- partment of Commerce, Capt.
Thomas A. King, Eastern Region
Director of the agency, has desig- nated C.J.G. Wentz to head this office in the Eastern Region.
One of the chief objectives of this new office is to serve as a fa- cilitator and advocate of Ameri- can-flag shipping's participation in intermodal transportation. It recog- nizes the need for the establish- ment of an all-embracing system that would include all modes of transportation and promote the closest possible cooperation among them, a matter of particular rele- vance in fully implementing the concept of containerization and re- lated unitization methods.
The Office of Ports and Inter- modal Systems will promote new cargo handling concepts, systems and the equipment for the carriage of cargo in domestic and interna- tional commerce. It will furnish in- formation to shippers and carriers on new legislation and regulations affecting the movement of contain- ers in domestic and foreign trade and will assist in the promotion and development of the U.S. ports, including modes of access to and from ports, traffic flow within a port area, and the physical layout of piers, wharves, docks and marine terminals.
Research projects are now being conducted on such subjects as the development of container consoli- dation centers, the integration of inland waterways into the LASH/
Seabee systems, the state of con- tainer standardization and certi- fication, constraints on the move- ment of specialized containers, equipment needed at intermodal terminals, and the use of E.D.P. in container systems.
The Eastern Region of the Mari- time Administration is comprised of the states on the Atlantic Sea- board and the Great Lakes and also includes West Virginia, Vermont,
Puerto Rico and the U.S. Virgin
Eastern Region headquarters is located in the Federal Building at 26 Federal Plaza, New York, N.Y. 10007. Mr. Wentz's telephone num- ber is (212) 264-1150.
Marseilles Ship Repair
Facilities To Expand
An expansion of the ship repair facilities in the port of Marseilles is planned to permit vessels of up to 350,000 tons to be drydocked. Cost of the project is 125 million francs ($23 million), and will be financed 60 percent by the- national Govern- ment and 40 percent by the port. It is expected to be ready for service before the close of 1973.
Plans call for the construction of a new drydock and other facilities necessary for the accommodation of new giant tankers, which are soon expected to be discharging their car- go there.
Following completion of the work,
Marseilles will be the leading ship repair center in France and one of the most important in the entire
Mediterranean area.
Vessels aggregating 28.8 million tons were repaired in the port during 1969, which was the largest volume of shipping handled in recent years.
The 190,000-ton tanker Esso Bern- icia was the largest vessel repaired and occupied the port's largest dry- dock. Of the ships repaired in Mar- seilles last year, 290 were French and 212 were foreign. All of the larger ones were tankers, including all ships in excess of 30,000 tons. Eleven of the vessels repaired were tankers of 50,000 tons or more.
U.S. Merchant Shipbuilding
Gets $4 Billion Boost
Program for Construction of 300 New Ships Turns Eyes of Maritime Industry To marip
SILT ^'Pbuildlng, subsicly bill
I of 300 new ZlCL0nstr««ion
DLING and PORT EQUIPMENT ... all are areas of prime interest now that presidential action has been taken to revitalize the U. S.
Merchant Fleet. Major executives and techni- cians who will influence buying decisions for the construction of the new vessels . . . and the added facilities needed to serve them . . . will attend MARIPORT '71. Plan to exhibit and present your ideas, services and equipment to this vital audience. marip#rt the maritime exhibition of the Americas, presented in association with europ®rt
April 5-6-7-8, 1971
Baltimore Civic Center,
Baltimore, Maryland, U.S.A.
For additional information, fill out and mail coupon at right or contact
IRWIN I. CHAITIN ASSOCIATES 1601 W. Lafayette - Detroit, Mich. 48216 (313) 961-9044 —fa* T" -s
TOr meat. frotn govern ar or. te-
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St. I Drm7. extendi '^T' / ml the S ;ons to Jg*** 'ing ; foJkf criers but » and *
It W5re compel 37 I years. <3? I*** °Ver the
Mariport '71 - 1601 W. Lafayette - Detroit, Mich. 48216 • As a potential exhibitor, I am interested in obtaining detailed information regard- ing participation in MARIPORT '71, The Maritime Exhibition of the Americas,
Baltimore Civic Center, April 5-8, 1971. • I am interested in attending the Exposition and Seminars. Send relevant informa- tion to me as it becomes available.
January 1, 1971 11