Page 14: of Maritime Reporter Magazine (January 1971)
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Litton Data Systems Posts
To Breitwieser And Dudas
The appointments of George F. Breitwieser as vice-president of program management of the Data Systems Division and Daniel L.
Dudas as vice president of ships electronic systems of the Data Systems Division of Lit- ton Industries, Van Nuys, Calif., has been an- nounced by Dr. Nicholas A. Begovich, Litton vice-president and head of the division.
In his new position, Mr. Breitwieser will be responsible for all aspects of the division's programs. His most recent position was vice- president of ships electronic systems at the division. He has also served as vice-president of program management, vice-president and general manager of Litton's Guidance and
Central Systems Division. Europe, and vice- president and assistant general manager of that division's headquarters facility in Woodland
Hills, Calif. Mr. Breitwieser holds B.S. and
M.S. degrees in electrical engineering from the
Massachusetts Institute of Technology.
The position most recently held by Mr.
Dudas at Data Systems was that of director of product development programs. He was graduated from the University of Illinois with a B.S. and M.S. degree in aeronautical engi- neering and an M.B.A. degree from the Har- vard School of Business Administration.
Data Systems Division has the responsibility for the electronic subsystems portion of the two new multimillion dollar Navy vessel pro- grams—the highly automated DD-963 destroy- ers and the LHA general purpose amphibious launch ships.
Litton Industries, headquartered in Beverly
Hills, Calif., is a major multinational corpora- tion specializing in products, systems and serv- ices for business, defense, marine, industrial and professional markets.
Wilson Marine Transit Co.
Promotes Doncevic And Stobbe m
Paul C. Doncevic Donald A. Stobbe
Ernest J. Andberg, president of Wilson Ma- rine Transit Company, Cleveland, Ohio, has announced the promotion of Paul C. Doncevic to vice-president, finance, and Donald A. Stob- be to traffic manager.
Mr. Doncevic has held various management positions in purchasing, insurance and pen- sions, office personnel, and finance since join- ing Wilson Marine in 1957. His academic back- ground includes industrial engineering at Ohio
State University and industrial management and business administration at Cleveland State
University where he earned his B.B.A. degree.
Mr. Stobbe joined Wilson in 1963 as a dis- patcher in the traffic department. In 1965 he was appointed chief dispatcher and in 1968 as- sistant traffic manager. Prior to joining Wilson
Marine, Mr. Stobbe was with Republic Stteel
Corporation. He attended Cleveland State Uni- versity where he majored in transportation.
E. Canadian Section, SNAME
Hears Paper On Propellers
Attending the Eastern Canadian Section meeting were, left to right: H.E.G. Dupuy, member, president of
Diamond Canapower, Ltd.; Dr. Baer, author; K.P. Farrell,
RCN, Canadian Vickers, Ltd., Section chairman, and
Charles F. Collins, member, chief, Power Requirements
Division, Shipbuilding Branch, Department of Transport,
Canadian Government.
During the November meeting of the East- ern Canadian Section of The Society of Naval
Architects and Marine Engineers, Dipl. Ing.
W. Baer, director, Ship Technical Division of
J.M. Voith, G.m.b.H., presented a technical paper to the Eastern Canadian Section of The
Society of Naval Architects and Marine Engi- neers, titled "Principle and Design of the
Voith-Schneider Propeller and its Incorpora- tion in Ship Design."
The paper was expertly presented by Dr.
Baer. The film and slides demonstrating the propellers in use on tugs in Europe clearly illustrated the great maneuverability to be had with the system. The presentation was most timely as two systems are currently being fitted to the C.N.R. ferries building at Port
Weller Dry Dock Ltd.
Upon completion of the presentation, a live- ly discussion period ensued between Dr. Baer and various members of the Society, with the author being thanked by William German,
German & Milne.
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