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SNAME Los Angeles Section Completes Active Season

Attending the September meeting in San Pedro were left to right: (standing) Frank Nickels, papers chairman;

Robert A. Rourke, chairman; David Logan, secretary- treasurer; (seated) C.R. Schaeffner, Ingalls West; Sheldon

Mazursky, Ingalls West Div., Litton Systems, Inc., au- thor, and Thomas B. Wilson, vice chairman.

The Los Angeles Metropolitan Section of

The Society of Naval Architects and Marine

Engineers has just completed a very active and interesting fall season.

Aboard the Princess Louise in San Pedro

Harbor, on September 10, Sheldon Mazursky of Ingalls West Division AMTD of Litton

Systems, Inc. presented "The Role of Life-

Cycle Costing in the Contract Definition Pro- cess." This paper outlined methods used to arrive at a contract definition for the "perfect" ship that would perform the ideal service that the owner desired at a minimum upkeep cost for a required period of time.

During the weekend of October 9 and 10, the Los Angeles Section hosted the San Diego and Northern California Sections at the Santa

Barbara Biltmore Hotel. Many of the at- tendees' wives accompanied them for this meeting, which welcomed all at a hosted cock- tail party on Friday evening.

The technical session on Saturday presented "Marine Transportation and Mineral Slurries" by Norman J. Thompson and Tom B. Thomas of the Marcona Corporation; "DE-1052 Class

Acoustical Data" by Charles Jonson and Paul

Mathews of Todd Shipyards Corporation, and "Passage to Prudhoe" by Herschel Chase of

Humble Oil Company. The papers were well received for their information about new meth- ods of ore transportation, sea trial data col- lecting, and the S/S Manhattan's problems steaming through the ice in the Northwest


Shown above at the November meeting aboard the

Princess Louise in San Pedro Harbor are left to right:

Frank Nickels, papers chairman; Marvin M. Wolff, author; Robert A. Rourke, chairman, and Thomas B.

Wilson, vice chairman. At this meeting Mr. Wolff pre- sented a paper on "The Conversion of the Queen Mary."

Saturday afternoon the members and their wives relaxed while golfing, shopping and tour- ing in the Santa Barbara area. At the Saturday evening dinner dance, the group enjoyed them- selves with I. Newton Perry, Mr. Music of

Santa Catalina Island, and his troupe.

At the November 19 meeting, Adm. John

J. Fee, USN (ret.), of the Long Beach Queen

Mary Project, and Capt. Richard Fay, Com- mander U.S. Naval Shipyard Long Beach, were guests of the Section to hear Marvin M.

Wolff of Harco Engineering present a paper on "The Conversion of the Queen Mary."

The shoreside and on-board engineering problems were discussed with a comparison to the original specifications as written by

John Brown and Sons, the builders, of Clyde- bank, Scotland. This interesting presentation drew a capacity attendance to the Princess

Louise in San Pedro Harbor.

These well rounded and diversified discus- sions of marine technological problems will be continued through the winter and spring seasons. The Los Angeles Metropolitan Sec- tion will hear about "Ship Loading in a Sea- way" by Prof. D. Hoffman, of Webb Institute, this month; "Technological Forecast of Ma- rine Transportation Systems" by H.PV Pom- rehn, of Bechtel Corporation, and G. Moore, of North American Aviation, in February; "Determination of Ship Response to the Pro- pulsion Control System" by J. Dunne, Hydro- nautics Inc., in March, and "Air Cushioned

Vehicle for Arctic Drilling" bv J. Graham and

D. Knorr, of Global Marine, m April 1971.

Swiftships Delivers

Aluminum Crew Boat

Morgan City's newest industry recently delivered the 65-foot crew boat Sugar Wayne to its owner

Sug Rosson, Inc., also of Morgan City, La. Offi- cially designated Hull 0010, the 65-foot all-alumi- num crew boat went through acceptance trials re- cently. The Sugar Wayne seats 38 passengers in plush surroundings and is powered by a matched set of GM 12V71N diesel engines. It is air- conditioned and centrally heated for year-round comfort, and her electric power is drawn by a 20- kw 2-71 GM/Delco generator. Equipped with the latest in electronic gear, the Sugar Wayne has an 18-foot beam, clear aft deck area, engine en- trance through the passenger compartment, and a speed of 25 miles per hour.

Jerry Hoffpauir, director of marketing for

Swiftships, Inc., stated "The Sugar Wayne, which is our standard 65-foot crew boat, intro- duces into the crew boat industry a boat that will give speed, roominess, while at the same time be- ing seaworthy."

Sperry Marine Systems Div.

Promotes Lopez And Goff

Sperry Rand Corporation's Sperry Marine

Systems Division, Charlottesville, Va., has pro- moted L.J. Lopez to sales manager of its

Eastern district office in Brooklyn, N.Y., and

Douglas S. Goff to sales manager of its South- ern district office in New Orleans, La.

Both are newly-created positions and reflect

Sperry's continuing efforts to place more re- sponsibility and provide improved marketing services through its district offices. Mr. Lopez will be responsible for sales of Sperry's exten- sive line of marine navigation and control equipment along the Eastern Seaboard from

Maine to Florida, and Mr. Goff will be re- sponsible for the entire Gulf of Mexico area, including the lower Mississippi River.

Mr. Lopez, formerly a marketing representa- tive in the Eastern district, has 28 years of ma- rine experience with Sperry. In addition to his appointment, Sperry also announced that G.

M. D'Arco and A.J. Boyajin have joined F.L.

Luciano as marketing representatives in the

Eastern office.

Mr. Goff, formerly marketing representative in the Southern district office has 20 years of marine experience with Sperry. In addition to his appointment, Sperry announced that Henry

F. Woods would join W.F. Pedneau as a mar- keting representative in the Southern district office. 0 0 "ttt-Fr zomithz/VG //v we

GIPVZ COMFHJ277H2T Authors and officers pictured above during the October joint meeting in Santa Barbara, left to right, are: E.E. Scott, meetings chairman; Thomas B. Wilson, vice chairman; Norman J. Thompson, Marcona Corporation, author; H.I.

Chatterton, executive committee; Herschel Chase, Humble Oil Company, author; Robert A. Rourke, chairman; Frank

Nickels, papers chairman; Tom B. Thomas, Marcona Corporation, author, and David Logan, secretary-treasurer.

January 1, 1971 23

Maritime Reporter

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