Page 38: of Maritime Reporter Magazine (January 1971)

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SES Manager Named

VP-Bell Aerospace

Division Of Textron

A. Bruce Horton Jr., general manager of the New Orleans Op- erations of the Bell Aerospace Di- vision of Textron, has been ap- pointed a vice-president of the com- pany, it was announced by William

G. Gisel, president.

Mr. Horton, a veteran of nearly 25 years of engineering and manage- ment experience in United States space and defense programs, is re- sponsible for the company's opera- tions in New Orleans, La., where

Bell Aerospace is engaged in the development of a high-speed Sur- face Effect Ship (SES) that will skim over the seas at speeds of 80 knots (92 mph) or more. (See Mar- itime Reporter/Engineering News issue of July 1, 1970). This unique 100-ton research craft is scheduled to begin a test and evaluation pro- gram in Lake Pontchartrain and the Gulf of Mexico during 1971.

Mr. Horton, who attended the

University of South Carolina and the United States Naval Academy at Annapolis, joined Bell in 1948 after graduation from Massachu- setts Institute of Technology with a master of science degree.

From 1965 to 1967 Mr. Horton was manager of Bell's Arizona Op- erations which employed more than 400 scientists, engineers and technicians for the operations of the U.S. Army's Electromagnetic

Environmental Test Facility and

Drone Test Range extending across southern Arizona and the Mexican border to the Arizona-California state line.

A. Bruce Horton Jr.

Before his assignment to the company's New Orleans Opera- tions Mr. Horton served for the past two years as executive direc- tor of engineering at Bell's main plant and company headquarters near Niagara Falls, N.Y.

Bell, a division of Textron Inc., has pioneered in the United States in the development of Surface Ef- fect Vehicles, which skim above the surface on a cushion of air. This relatively new field of transporta- tion technology combines aero- space engineering with shipbuild- ing skills to produce advanced ma- rine systems for naval and mari- time applications.

Seamount Acquires

Marine Trailers, Inc.

Acquisition of the New York- based firm of Marine Trailers, Inc. by Seamount Corporation for an un- disclosed amount of cash and notes payable over five years has been an- nounced by Seamount Corporation.

Marine Trailers repairs and main- tains refrigerated cargo containers and trailers used by the shipping in- dustry. It performs its services on piers in the New York metropolitan area and in San Juan, Puerto Rico.

The company also leases containers, trailers and related equipment.

Seamount, also headquartered in

New York City, includes divisions of naval architects, consulting marine engineers, containerized and break- bulk cargo solicitation and vessel management for both tankers and dry cargo vessels.

Professional Knot Tying

Illustrated In New Book

John de Graff, Inc., 34 Oak Ave- nue, Tuckahoe, N.Y. 10707, has pub- lished a new book, "Knots and

Lines Illustrated." This new work, authored by Paul and Arthur Sny- der, is up to date on knots used to- day, where to use them and how to tie them. The tying of each knot is explained by a sequence of ac- tion photographs which show the movements of each hand to make a professional job.

Some of the applications de- scribed in the book include: pick- ing up a mooring, heaving a line, handling winches, making up neat coils, and line stowage.

Authors of the book, which is priced at $6.95, are both experi- enced sailors.




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