Page 32: of Maritime Reporter Magazine (March 15, 1971)
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Standardized Bulk
Carriers To Be Built
By IHI Subsidiary
IHI (Ishikawajima-Harima
Heavy Industries Co., Ltd.), the leading Japanese shipbuilder, has developed a new standardized 29,000-dwt bulk carrier shipform and recently begun sales.
It is IHI's third standardized mass-production shipform, follow- ing first the Freedom ship and sec- ond the Fortune ship.
The 29,000-dwt (or 18,500 gt) bulk carrier will have the fol- lowing approximate measurements: length, 538 feet; breadth, 88 feet; depth, 48 feet, and draft, 35 feet.
It will be equipped with an 11,550- bhp IHI-Sulzer 7RND68 type die- sel engine developing a service speed of 15.5 knots.
The construction of the stand- ardized bulk carriers will start from mid-1973 at the No. 2 berth of Usuki Iron Works Ltd., a sub- sidiary of IHI, with completion of four to five ships consecutively per year. IHI has already received an order for a 29,000-dwt ship of this type from Lasco Shipping Co. of the U.S.A. and is negotiating another order with a Hong Kong shipowner.
In the production of Freedom and Fortune vessels, IHI has to date received orders for 81 Free- doms, 50 of which have been de- livered, and 23 Fortunes. Each of these figures is an unparalleled rec- ord in world shipbuilding circles for ships of the same type ordered from a single shipbuilder.
USCG Chief Scientist
To Speak At Seminar
Dr. Charles C. Bates, Chief Sci- entist of the U.S. Coast Guard, will preside over the second session of the seminar on "Pollution and the
Marine Industry," which will be held at the Rivergate in New Or- leans, La. on April 1-3. The semi- nar, conducted by the International
Association for Pollution Control, is being held during the Commer- cial Marine Industry Exposition.
As Civilian Director of the Office of R&D, Dr. Bates has played a prominent part in directing the re- search and development of pollu- tion instrumentation and control equipment by the U.S. Coast
Prior to joining the USCG, Dr.
Bates was Chief Scientist of the
U.S. Navy's Oceanographic Office and was the Coordinator of En- vironmental Systems for the Chief of Naval Operations. He has also served with the Department of De- fense in the Advanced Research
Projects Agency, and has received extensive field experience in the
Gulf Coast area as a geophysicist with Standard Oil of New Jersey prior to joining Government serv- ice.
Thomas Sullivan, president of the International Association for
Pollution Control, stated: "All of the major Federal agencies involv- ed in pollution and the marine in- dustry will participate in the April seminar, making it one of the ma- jor events of the year for the ma- rine industry. This seminar is definitely the most significant ac- tivity in the pollution field ever undertaken by the marine com- munity."
For further information contact
Thomas Sullivan, IAPC, Suite 700,
Booz-Allen Building, 4733 Beth- esda Avenue, N.W., Washington,
Aracaju Offshore Find
Brings More Tests
As the result of the new discov- ery well, seven miles off Aracaju, the capital of the Brazilian state of Sergipe, two more test wells were ordered drilled in mid-Febru- ary.
The discovery well, known as
Caioba No. 1, has been hailed as the most important discovery in over 20 years. Hopes have been raised that the new discovery may make Brazil self sufficient. Specu- lation has it that this well might have a potential of 400,000 barrels daily, which would be more than enough to end the need for imports.
Brazil imports most of its oil from the Middle East and some from Venezuela. Brazil produces about one-third of it crude oil con- sumption.
P.O. BOX 790 / MORGAN CITY, LA. 70380 / PHONE 504-384-3060
Stock models available (also made to order)
Matson's container ship, the S.S. Pacific Trader
Spend Money and Labor To Clean
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With a Vokes Filter on the job you get automatic . . . positive . . . continuous filtration to 25 microns.
Matson does it on the S.S. Pacific Trader and on the S.S. Pacific Banker . . . their newest express ships on the Far East Trade ... on hot fuel oil ... a proven cost savings over time.
Vokes Filters are completely automatic . . . and self-cleaning. A proven filter for your full range of requirements—automatic filtration of fuel oil, and other petroleum products. You can throw away your strainers.
Switch to Vokes Filters . . . you can bet your bottom dollars you'll be glad you did!
Look at the Facts: • Vokes Microdisc is available in spacings to 25 microns. • Operating standards: 0-300 PSI up to 350° F. • Continuous positive filtration at design pressure drop. • Self-cleaning—no interruption in flow, no down time.
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Cardwell & Castlewood Roads, Richmond, Virginia 23211
CALL AREA CODE 703-275-1471 34 Maritime Reporter/Engineering News