Page 30: of Maritime Reporter Magazine (April 1971)

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Strachan Shipping

Elects Officers

Strachan Shipping Co., ship agents and stevedores in Gulf

Coast and South Atlantic ports, has announced the election of

Frank G. Strachan as chairman of the board of directors, and Thomas

H. Adams as president.

Mr. Strachan, president of the cempany since 1965, will continue to be active in the company's af- fairs, the announcement said.

Mr. Adams, previously a director and vice president, has been legal counsel for the company since 1947. He is a senior partner in the law firm of Adams, Adams, Bren- nan and Gardner. He is also sec- retary-treasurer of the Savannah

Port Authority.

Named honorary chairman was

Robert W. Groves, previously chairman of the board of directors.

Other officials elected were: Ro- bert W. Groves Jr., vice chairman of the board; H.H. Collins, L.W.

Homburg, R.M. Wilkes, V.D.

Fletcher and C.W. Pidgeon, vice presidents; W.A. Maher, vice president, Gulf; W.H. Osterholtz

Jr. vice president, Florida; J.L.

Clark, secretary and treasurer, and

R.H. Jachens, assistant treasurer- controller.

The company was founded in 1886, and in addition to Gulf Coast and South Atlantic ports, has of- fices in New York and several large inland cities.

Baldt Corp. Names

Gallagher Controller

Anchor, Chain Division

Joseph L. Gallagher

Baldt Corporation (OTC), New

York, N.Y., has named Joseph L.

Gallagher controller of the com- pany's Baldt Anchor and Chain

Division in Chester, Pa.

Mr. Gallagher comes to Baldt from the Royal Typewriter Divi- sion of Litton Industries, where he held successive positions as di- rector of manufacturing cost con- trol, and director of financial plan- ning. Prior to that, he was with the

National Sugar Refining Company as corporate cost accounting man- ager. His wide financial manage- ment experience includes extensive work in systems and procedures development.

Mr. Gallagher obtained his ac- counting degree from LaSalle- Col- lege, and attended graduate school at the University of Pennsylvania.

Atlantic Richfield

Appoints Applegate

Christopher P. Applegate has been appointed employee relations manager for Atlantic Richfield

Company's nation-wide marine ac- tivities. He had been employee re- lations manager for Eastern aEea supply and transportation activi- ties. His headquarters will remain at Atlantic Richfield's Fort Mifflin marine terminal in Philadelphia.

Mr. Applegate joined the com- pany in 1948 at its Philadelphia refinery. He was named to his first personnel assignment in 1955. He holds a bachelor of science degree from Temple University.

Enjoy Appoints

Baltimore Agent

Enjay Chemical Company, Flor- ham Park, N.J., has announced the recent appointment of George S.

Goodhues & Son, Inc. (established in 1885) as agent for Marine Coat- ings and Chemicals in the Baltimore area.

George S. Goodhues Jr., vice president of the firm, stated that the complete line of Rust-Ban paints and marine cleaners will be stocked in their warehouse at 522 South Ann

Street, Baltimore, Md. 21231.



Horizontal and vertical Houttuin screw pumps which can be directly coupled to the prime mover - with the screws driven by gears fitted either inside or outside the pump housing - are available for all purposes, in many types, operating at high efficiency.

We shall be glad to send you our comprehensive catalogue.


Houttuin screw pumps perform a fine job in navigation, oil storage yards and oil refin- eries,the petro-chemical industry, margarine manufacturing plants, sugar mills, and many other industries. Houttuin screw pumps have a high selfpriming capacity, a uniform deliv- ery (without pulsations), and are eminently suited for viscous, lubricating and non-lubri- cating liquids. 10" horizontal pump for non-lubricating liquids.

Output: 330 cu.m/hr

Total head: 6kg/cm2

Speed: 1460 r.p.m.

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